Wer bekommt eine Privatinsolvenz mit?
Hallo, Ich sitze gerade in Schulden die ich nicht abbezahlt kann. Vieles davon ist schon mehrere Monate überfällig und mir werden wahrscheinlich bald einige Vollstreckungsankündigungen drohen. Ich denke mein letzter Ausweg wird die Privatinsolvenz sein. Nur frage ich mich, wer davon alles was mit bekommt. Geht das an bekannte und Familie weiter? Oder gar an die Firma in der ich arbeite? Worauf kann ich mich dabei einstellen?
Your last resort is the free debt advice. Turn to the country council office responsible for you. They know the response points.
A private insolvency is approximately as well known as your account balance.
You’ll probably have a P account. I don’t think your employer gets any of it.
Unless he’s looking for it. All insolvency is publicly announced on the Internet.
Everyone who wants to know.
All insolvency can be viewed on the Internet for any person: https://insolvenzöffen.de/
The employer is pretty sure. This must be deducted from the amount exceeding the amount of compensation to the insolvency administrator. Bank of course.
Well-known, family of course not. Besides you, someone owes money there and the insolvency administrator wants it.
The company is notified because the administrator needs current data regarding your merit, etc. (I’m at least out.)
All the others will only get something if you tell yourself.
Or if they simply search for it in the public directory. On https://insolvenzöffen.de/ all insolvencys are published by the local courts, retrieved for everyone.
A debtor’s cardi is held on the District Court. And, of course, all the information has access to the insolvency data.
As long as you don’t get it on a payroll, your workman does NOT know.
Private people, of course, have no access to it if you don’t share it yourself.
Funny. As a private person, the website https://insolvenzöffen.de/ without problems, where all insolvency is published by the courts. Don’t you?
Where are the debts coming from and why can’t you pay them off? Think about how to change this situation.
Many individual loans with a margin of €200 to 10,000 each. There was a holiday and a mobile phone financing. After that, I noticed how easy credits are and I got every time when I had no more money to get “aid”.
You knew you wouldn’t pay the loans back. This is fraud.
You knew the credit rates, you signed it.
That’s not true. I had to pay back before all this. Only the credit rates have suddenly become so high that it has taken over. The two biggest credits have already returned by you 1,000€
Search Please help! A private insolvency is extremely violent (!) and has very great impacts (!) on your life – and should therefore really be the last step! And the insolvency becomes public, yes! Others get it! :-/