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www. example . org
www = Subdomain
example = domain
or = Top Level Domain (TLD)
Total = Hostname
But of course only in DNA. With the actual host name of the server or whatever it has nothing to do with it. The host name only triggers an IP address.
For example, a subdomain can look like this:
Why do you always come up with claims and make them look like they are true?
“www” and “www2” are subdomains – to be exact, third-level domains to the second-level domain “domain” to the top-level domain “de”.
The host can www (or even but does not have to be called. This is not visible to you. www and www2 can also be provided by the same host.
this assertion came from someone else in response to one of my other questions!!!!! Therefore it was in demand in conjunction!!!!!!
www is only cosmetic and looks pretty. Whether you are w.bla.tld or ww.bla.tld or http://www.bla.tld use, doesn’t matter.
The subdomain is what is in front of the domain.
In your example, www and www2 are the subdomains.