Wenn Sonne, Sterne, Erde (innen) eine hohe Temperatur haben, der Raum im Universum an sich arschkalt ist…kühlt dann nicht irgendwann mal alles ab?

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1 year ago

Of course, everything is subject to natural cooling. But this has less to do with the cold in space, but with it the energy emission of objects such as stars, planets, etc. becomes weaker and ultimately stops or stops. becomes so small that all objects ultimately reach the temperature of the space. The energy supply is always limited. Stars burn out, in principle, also because at some point no more radioactive decay takes place in the core, which actually generates the energy to keep the core liquid. Everything ultimately solidifies and quasi assumes the temperature of its surroundings or of the space, which can never reach the temperature of the absolute zero-punt, since the universe is assumed to be a closed system.

1 year ago

Yes, at some point, the universe, among other things, according to Stephen Hawkins, becomes very dark and correspondingly cold, namely when the last remnants of suns are dissolved…

1 year ago

…. the universe, the room has no temperature, only when there are enough particles that is like heat or cold.

In fact, there is a theory that suggests the slow “freeze” of the universe, as Big Freeze, also called Big Chill or Big Whimper.

The “Big Freeze” scenario describes a theoretical future of the universe in which it expands continuously until it reaches a state of extreme dilution and cold. In this model, the universe gradually cools down due to the steady expansion, and the stars gradually cease to shine as their fuel reserves are exhausted. Over billions of years, most, if not all, would either erase or disintegrate astronomical objects. Finally, the universe would merge into a state of darkness and almost absolute cold, with a very low density of matter and energy. This final state is called “Big Freeze” or “Great Frost” and represents one of the possible end fates of the universe.

that describes the most common ideas as the universe passes.



1 year ago
Reply to  ManFromEarth

the universe, the space has no temperature, only when there are enough particles, this is like heat or cold.

Gas temperature is a temperature, but not the only. Space has the temperature of a black body of 2.7K with the corresponding radiation spectrum. Names color temperature.

1 year ago

Yeah, sure. In the course of time, without energy conversion, everything cools down to the lush 2,7 Kelvin, which the universe has through the background radiation. But we still have enough hydrogen for the fusion in the sun and tidal friction and nuclear fission and chemical processes, etc.

10 months ago

“If the space in the universe is ascended by itself…”

The room cannot be cold, it has no temperature. The temperature is a corporation. Every body in the universe has its temperature, the body in space must not be cold.

“…then don’t you ever cool it off?”

However, not because of a “cold space” but by radiating the heat (see “Entropie”). With large celestial bodies, it takes quite a long time.

1 year ago

Of course, it cools down sometime.

1 year ago

Of course, but neither you nor I will.

1 year ago

If you light a candle out in the winter, it won’t cool off?

1 year ago
Reply to  Robx223

Someday, when she burned down.