Wenn sich Liquidity im Markt bildet, sind das dann Support- und Resistence-Zonen?

Hey ich habe hier mal eine vermutlich recht simple Frage an die Trader unter euch.

Wenn sich Liquidity im Markt bildet um die Buyer oder Seller im Markt mit zu nehmen – werden hieraus dann Support oder Resistence Zonen gemacht?
Ich würde sagen schon. Aber was sagt ihr? Könnt ihr mein Gedanke bestätigen?

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10 months ago


Basically yes. The Sup&Res zones you have entered are liquidity points where, with high probability, many orders or SLs are located.

But in principle, each swing low/swing high is a liquidity point.

The upper picture, for example, there you see

There is liquidity everywhere in my markings.

If you look exactly, you see how the market reacts. At the top he breaks through and is extremely strong. Meaning for me many have obeyed or many had their SL there. Presumably, many getrailt have on this low. Which then lets you talk to the strong downmove.

At the 2nd line (from above) many then tried (right) to buy again. Whatever is not bad at first glance, the trend has not yet been completely broken. You see how it goes up. Once those who had their SL there are triggered and all the buy orders are executed. The sellers used the reversal for better entry.

Then he goes down for a short time and has these 3 upmove candles just after he took the low out. Meaning for me: Again many SLs hooked and found a few new buyers, although it was no good time for a long time at the latest and breaks further down.

That would make I conclude. There are people who see it differently, but I would advise you to go to any trading group where you can ask for advice. Unfortunately, I don’t know, and there’s a little to watch, but there are. Because here at GF there are hardly any people who can help you.

10 months ago

No problem, I love trading 😀

If you have further questions, you can still ask them here I regularly answer trading questions, they only need to mark them with #Trading.

Otherwise: filter by trading questions or ask Daytrading (if you daytradest) and read my answers. My then Acc (TraderJoe455). Must go to the past about 5-6 months when I started to answer. You will get some questions answered with security (there are many questions)

10 months ago

Accumulation, distribution… Sometimes it works. Actually, like everything. Sometimes good, sometimes not.

But the past is often only evident in the future.

Try it.