Wenn man Zöliakie hat, kann man da überhaupt noch essen gehen?
Salat geht wahrscheinlich immer, aber anderes wohl nicht, weil Soßen könnten ja auch Gluten enthalten oder?!?
Hab in 2 Tagen Koloskopie und wüsste gern ob ich den Abend davor etwas essen kann, weil ich ohne essen ja nicht einschlafen kann. Geht Nutella und Würstchen und sowas?
Die Frage geht an die, die Döner in Deutschland und Türkei probiert haben. Findet ihr es in Deutschland oder Türkei besser, meiner Meinung nach ist beides gleich gut, wobei ich sagen muss, dass es manchmal mit Fladenbrot und Soße besser sein kann.
Warum haben die Männer in Dubai Frauenkleider an?
Hallo Ich habe vor 2 Wochen angefangen eine diät zu machen und nur noch 700 kcal am Tag zu essen! Ich nehme seit 11 Jahren die Pille durch, nie meine Tage bekommen, jetzt schon! Kann das an der Diät liegen? Habe gelesen man bekommt dann nicht seine Tage, nehme die Minipille ohne Östroge
In principle, yes. But yes, you have to take care of something, if necessary inform yourself well. Of course, it is not just about the ingredients of a food, but also about unwanted impurities.
But in principle, more than just salad without sauce is available.
Anyone who has celiac disease is doing well to become a member of the German Celiac Society. And this also offers services such as a restaurant and hotel search.
There are of course restaurants that, in addition to traditional dishes, can also be gluten-free. Calling before the restaurant is an idea.
Is there even a celiac association? Of course, basically a club. Celiac disease is only a fashion disease. I’m sure in 10 years nobody talks about celiac disease.
Hello vetranooo, there, I think you’re confusing something. Celiac disease is a serious, chronic disease. The self-help association is a great help for those affected.
As a manifestation of fashion, it could be said that many people without celiac disease and without complaints give up gluten. It is a pity that celiac patients are not taken seriously by some people.
You’re wrong. Also in 1962, celiac disease was not a small stomach upset. Goodbye.
I don’t understand. For centuries people have been eating colorful. What did you do with Zöliakie in 1962? Probably nothing, that was a little gastrointestinal misconception. 1 week of snack and slowly again normal food.
Yeah, look at what you can’t eat. If you want to have a scavenger, ask if you can get fried nature. Question about Pommes whether it is fresh or finished, that will be finished panned with flour, corn or rice. You can eat potatoes. You have to do without wheat or rye. In my local acquaintances, customers at the entrance and in the menu will be told again that they are to point out in food intolerances. Then, instead of conventional panting with maize breadboard flour, a carving is also panned. It is important that the restaurant is ready to change with small measures. She also has spaghettos as Chinese rice noodles. Rice doesn’t have to do with gluten.
In order to offer gluten-free food then, it is the will of the host and if he does not want, since it is only small things if the guest is satisfied with the replacement, then the restaurant will have to close on short or long. Because who wants to make money must have service.
By the way: there are locals who make their own fries because of the breakdown of the potato sticks because of this incompatibility.
Hello CT88A,
I myself have celiac disease. So usually you can eat something like fries or something, but you should always ask if it is really gluten-free. As a rule, you can eat salad there but it could be that it was seasoned with gluten-containing spices. So best always ask.
I hope I could help you
That’s what you say.
Hi 👋
I’ve been having celiac disease for a long time and you can’t just say I’m gonna sit in some restaurant and eat a salad or something.
Because even in the spice or in the salad sauce can be something gluten-containing, the same is also in Pommes.
That’s why it’s best to see which restaurant says I’m making gluten-free food and go there. You can also ask through restaurants if you’re somewhere.
A beautiful day
LG Bisciutluna 🍪
In 2014, there is the obligation to inform restaurants about allergens.
Sometimes it’s on the map (also see the icon smeared) or you get information about the allergens in the food on request.
Asian restaurants also insist that they are more gluten-free than other kitchens. There the rice dominates.
There are also other restaurants that offer either completely gluten-free food or offer special gluten-free menus. On the Internet you can search for gluten-free restaurants.
It is best if you connect to the restaurants in advance and then visit some regular restaurants.
Although allergens are labeled in the food (hopefully also completely!), they are not the contamination that is at least as important for celiacs, e.g. by the use of the same cookware.
As a waitress who has written more than one menu, I can tell you:
there are also extra restaurants that only have gluten-free.
but everything is of course a bit more difficult…
Yes, you just have to have great confidence in the host and cook
Good kitchen can answer the problem…
…to eat without food…
… potato dish, steakhouse, rice…
Read this through, that’s interesting and answers your question
https://www.netdoktor.de/ Diseases/zoeliakie/