Wenn man Suizid Gedanken hat, hat man dann direkt auch eine psychische Krankheit?

Also wenn man sehr sehr oft Selbstmord Gedanken hat (so jede Woche sag ich einfach mal), hängt das direkt mit einer psychischen Krankheit zusammen oder muss man keine Krankheit haben und man denkt einfach dran?

Ich hoffe ihr könnt verstehen was ich meine, kann das irgendwie schlecht formulieren

Danke schon mal im voraus für eure antworten 🙂

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8 months ago

Not necessarily, if you are in a serious life crisis, for example, if you have lost someone in your life, then I don’t necessarily think that is a mental illness.

8 months ago

There are also suicide thoughts without having a psychic predisorder. It usually happens out of impulse. For example, if one separates oneself and develops what thoughts before love grief or if one person dies and without them everything seems meaningless. These usually do not last very long, but could also be there for weeks….

So there does not necessarily have to be a psychic predisorder, it is only probable or the chance to suffer from these thoughts is increased by a multiple in human beings with psychic vices

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8 months ago

probably not always

8 months ago

Puuhhh good question, would say no, you are not directly mentally ill.

Maybe you’re just currently in a bad phase of life where suicide stands out as a solution.

At the end of the day we all know that it is not a solution, but only a escape from something