Wenn man Stuhlgang hat gehen dann Kalorien flöten?
Ja wollte es wissen weil eigentlich sollte man ja dann bissien Kalorien raus haben? Hab die gleiche Frage auch mit vitaminen etc… Danke im vorraus
Ja wollte es wissen weil eigentlich sollte man ja dann bissien Kalorien raus haben? Hab die gleiche Frage auch mit vitaminen etc… Danke im vorraus
Also ich hab hier paar Packungen Kinder Bueno White aber die sehen alle so komisch aus irgendwie.. Haltbarkeitsdatum ist 04.08.23. Kann ich die noch essen oder sind die schlecht geworden
Ich habe aufgrund unkontrollierter Vermehrung zu viele Meerschweinchen darf man die essen?
zum beispiel im vergleich mit thunfisch
You don’t lose calories due to the faucet, because everything was already consumed by the body. The feces are only the unusable residues.
That’s not correct. Faeces from sewage plants are used to produce biogas and thus contain energy.
The remains unusable for the body! Of course, Kot contains certain nutrients for plants and is also suitable for producing biogas.
Well, not entirely 🙂, not all nutrients are quantitatively 100% resorbed, but a certain part is fed to the excretion. You can also observe that when you have eaten very rich in fat or almost fatless. I’d rather spare the unappetizing details…
Not much, because it’s not a big effort. But even on the sofa you burn calories.
Yes, the stool contains, among other things, indigesible food ingredients or those which have not been absorbed and are therefore energy-sustainable. Vitamins can also be contained e.g. Vit. K, water-soluble vitamins are also excreted via the urine.
If dried, it contains 1kg of 25 megajoules and can therefore be used for biogas production.
Uh, no
if it is not a diarrhea or if it is used shortly after the food, no nutrients are found in the vat, but only ballast and what else can not be used.
the food is decomposed into suitable small parts using enzymes in the stomach and intestine and the nutrients are then absorbed via the intestinal mucosa
No, these are the pressure residues, there’s nothing more sensible for your body. If you don’t have a fleeting Otto.
When it comes out back, all calories have been processed before!
You eat calories, you don’t taste them.