Wenn man Kohlensäurehaltiges trinkt Sprudelt der Urin?
Ich seh es öfter bei mir wenn ich was Kohlensäurehaltiges trinke Sprudelt der Urin, ist das speziell deswegen oder ist es nicht möglich dass dort Kohlensäure landet? beobachte es tatsächlich nur nach dem trinken von Cola oder sowas deshalb frag ich mich das gerade. klingt komisch aber interessiert mich weil ich gelesen habe dass Sprudelnder Urin ein Warnsignal sein soll.
I’d rather call the doctor tomorrow and make an appointment. Carbonic acid does not come into the bubble.
But I’ve noticed this a few years ago, it looks just as if you’re pouring in sprout water looks the same as that; so I don’t look at it from the very beginning, but it looks as if it’s tingling.
And that’s not normal but in need of examination.
Then you’re on the safe side. When he finds nix, go drink beer and enjoy
Was now again and believe to see what it is this flaming is only short to see if the urine briefly foams the foam disappears right after everything calms I think that are just the small bubbles that disappear or burst that come to the surface, yet I will make an appointment tomorrow with the doctor for next week or Friday and then let’s see what it says:)
All right:D
You may have narrowed your urethra or something. This could come and explain or there’s something that temporarily blocks the urethra. Well, let’s go.
Well, I say yes that I had this “primary” already before the investigation had long before, if not even years;
No. If the disease first appeared or recently, it could not be seen 1.5 years ago. Is it logical?
In the context of a drug screening, did Urin give up with an operating physician with regard to a training place that needed a good health, if you had to find out something? (that was at the beginning of last year and I’ve noticed it more often long before and always I haven’t got it now;,D)
I’ve never sprudely spided and I’m drinking sprouts.
So there should be no more carbonic acid in the urine.
No carbonic acid is volatile anyway and dissolves in the stomach at the latest.
Foamy urine can be an indication of kidney problems, but can also have harmless causes. If the symptom stops, you should be a doctor.
He’s not foamy, he’s tingling.
It often goes hand in hand, which usually comes from excessive protein excretion. This can happen, but can also be a problem with the kidneys, as said when the problem stops to the doctor.
No, it’s completely impossible.
Why don’t you just look like that and sound like that or what’s going on? have had it years ago and I live still;
It might look like that, but it’s not like that.
No, you breathe the carbonic acid and evaporate, or it is neutralized by the gallic acid.
if that happens you have cancer
I think that can be ruled out because then you would have to have many other symptoms and would probably no longer be able to exercise;