Wenn man intrusive Gedanken hat und die immer kommen und gehen , was tun?
was wenn man so sexvorstellungen mit seine Geschwister oder Familienmitglieder hat und es dann aber nicht will und nicht umsetzen will und man weiß da es unmoralisch und verwerflich ist , warum kommen diese Gedanken wenn man es nicht will und sich danach immer so schlecht fühlt, und sich dann fragt wieso , da es ekelhaft ist und einfach falsch und unmoralisch und man weiß es ja , ist man dann psychisch krank als Mensch ? Kommt es vor , wenn man weiß das man es nie umsetzten würde und es einfach falsch und unmoralisch ist und man sich immer so schlecht fühlt und schämt wenn solche Gedanken kommen ?
Was meint ihr ist man dann wirklich psychisch krank?
These are all the porn that pulls me in that plays with your perception
What do you think? What if you don’t watch porn at all? And if only so romantic between man and woman so normal? Think that doesn’t have much to do with porn 🤔
But if you don’t have to look at it, it’s just human that you’re putting out such thoughts.
Well, if you look at a lot of the category step mom step sis, that makes a lot of things with the brain without you notice 🙂
Yes, but I never had such a thing and I’ll soon be 26 so somehow what is wrong with me 😭😐
At the age you disappear with time had the same problems:)
If you find it more discardable and funny, you feel so stupid and bad after that even if you don’t want it, don’t know how to forget this, it’s really annoying
Oh, okay, and if you never look like that, then what?
Looks like I sometimes thought where I think wtf is wrong with me.
but it’s credible. The head makes sometimes funny things, would be the more puberty etc. Going away
Yes but I am not in puberty 🤔 have the feeling something is wrong with me not 😭😳😱
I can’t tell you
if you really feel the question at doctor after
otherwise I would take it as a thoughtful
you did not have any
With my psychologist I can’t talk about it, it’s too unpleasant to me and I’m ashamed she’s an old woman and I don’t know how to formulate it 😱😭🥺 alone the thought makes me finish
No hasn’t been able to find these thoughts too disgusting but they come and then go but the thing is coming again and again 😬😭😐 I don’t know how I can stop thinking about it, you have tips.?
As long as you do not try to put your thoughts and fantasies into action, it is not problematic.
Daa desire alone don’t make you a psychic sick person yet.
Yes, but why do I think so? Can it mean that I’m having a relationship with a friend/man?
You may try to fill a void in you because you have no one to satisfy your sexual needs.
Okay hope it’s so, I’m trying to forget it and push it because it bothers me completely 😭 and bugs me completely
If you try not to think of something, such thoughts come all the more violent. Our brain can’t think.
But what do you want to do about it? So that it disappears completely?
Do not go into the thoughts, but realize that the thoughts generated by your brain are.
If it helps you to imagine these thoughts as a river in front of which these thoughts pass, without which you reappear on them.
Yes but do not think it is genetically conditioned and that one has or had such thoughts in the family
Have you ever had such thoughts?
I try not to think about it somehow, hope it goes away, I hope you are not called mentally ill or pervert 😱
This is not better But this is your beer 🙂
Yes, but I don’t want to talk about this 😬 is really funny and you’re ashamed
So bad can’t be if fear is still too big 🙂
I don’t know, I didn’t ask 😳 it doesn’t want to be really unpleasant and funny 😐
That there must be more people in your family who have such tormenting thoughts
What do you mean?
No intrusive thoughts often have a genetic background
achso, okay and comes something like that when you never had a relationship with men so intimately, because you have so close tie to family and so that such thoughts arise and you ask why and why and even though you know it is wrong and immoral thoughts and simply disgusting