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Ist es normal alle 3 Stunden was zu essen?
Also wenn ich esse hab ich nach 3-4 Stunden gefühlt wieder hunger und esse was.Nicht viel aber was halt kurz satt macht.Kleiner Snack oder sowas ist das normal.Gibt es Leute die wirklich nur 3mal am Tag essen?
Kalorien zählen?
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welches lebensmittel habt ihr euch satt gegessen?
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Some yes, some no, some part.
Overall, it depends on the level of heat and the duration of the action, as well as the type of preparation (e.g. cooking or frying).
Some ingredients are more heat-sensitive than others or are water-soluble, others are rather fat-soluble.
The nutrients (proteins, fat, carbohydrates) anyway not, minerals also not, only some vitamins are heat sensitive. When cooking it is possible to remove a lot, but the brew can be used.
Depending on this, make the gemuese becomes edible (e.g. cloth).
Lauch can be eaten wonderfully raw.
if, just the white one.
Through treatment many nutrients disappear, but not all
There is a difference between cook and cook to death.
not the nutrients but the vitamins; depending on the duration of the heating
And you have to look at them.
Vitamin C disappears very quickly
If it is cooked too long.