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kann mir jemand die tabelle mit den zwei klammern daneben erklären. ich verstehe nicht den zusammenhang davon danke im voraus!!
Yes, the muzzle speed increases as less energy is lost. This is a secondary effect.
“Stärker” means higher muzzle energy or higher muzzle speed. This is achieved either by a larger running length or by a stronger laboratory of the ammunition or both.
I don’t see anything about it here, so answer: No.
You should know what this is supposed to be for…
I suspect a muffler, and this ideally reduces only the muzzle bang without reducing the projectile energy.
In order to do this, however, it is necessary to use subsonic ammunition or to screw it onto a weapon whose ammunition normally flies in the subsonic range.
An increase in projectile energy could only be achieved (in limits) by extending the course, but this is not the case with a silencer.
That’s a normal ammunition. With subsonic ammunition, the whole thing becomes quieter, but the impact force sinks as this ammunition has less “Wumms”.
This thing is called sound drums. The shot is not stronger but quieter, so also dampers. When using subsonic ammunition, it seems to be almost inaudible. This looks kind of in the direction of an Osprey 9 by SilencerCo.
Of course, the shot becomes stronger, in contrast to play, silencers increase the muzzle speed and thus impact force.
Although the effect is lower compared to normal running extensions.
Pure question of interest: where should the additional energy come from?
I’d be happy to answer that.
The ball continues with less energy through the barrel or Mufflers pressed, since part of the chemical explosion energy is discharged into the sides of the muffler, this happens with less force.
The same, albeit reduced, chemical force further presses the projectile, which continues to increase the speed, slower,. The pressure on the ball remains in the same direction as it does not slow down, the barrel still forces the pressure or the ball forward.
If it were an open space, your statement would be true.
It doesn’t make any sense. If I exert less (in this case backward) force on an object (projectile), it will not be faster. If I lose the force, which is caused by the discharge of the gases, the motion energy cannot increase.
No. Again, the ball is pressed further through the silencer but with less force than before, which makes it faster anyway.
And with a lower mouth speed, do I have more impact force?
No. A lamp has no influence on it.
I’d rather appreciate that the questioner thinks the silencer.
then let him write what he means
Where do we get precise information on questions? Very rare.
Minimal this is the nit of the sin…
underrun is on your image a laser light module and on the laf directly attached is a silencer that (as the name already says) should damp the sound that arises during the shot…
I would say that at best increases the precision, but not the impact force.
For this, one would have to know what “the thing” is to be exact, the pistol otherwise looks strong after a concrete Airsoft model.
You’re really amazing
Looks like a silencer
If there’s one, he’ll bring:
– Be quiet
-shots are slightly weaker (permeability)
… there will be garnix stronger. With a silencer very quiet.
And why?