Wenn man einen Sehtest macht wird das dann irgendwo festgehalten oder nur auf der Bescheinigung die man bekommt?
Arbeitet jemand von euch in diesem Bereich und kann mir sagen ob das in irgendwelchen Ordnern oder Systemen festgehalten wird. Oder ist es einfach nur der „Wisch“ den man dann im Endeffekt selber hat
What kind of vision test do you mean, a driving licence test or a computer rapid test or a refraction for a glasses?
The pass from the driver’s licence test must be kept for 2 years.
The result of the computer rapid test only catches you, because there is no copy and the lens thickness is naturally held in the PC by the optician.
Yes, I mean a driving licence test. Thank you very much
Sure. I don’t know how long the original stays at the office, but also at least 2 years, although it is no longer needed. It can only be applied for 1 certificate.
I’d go that way or so it’s just about the entry but in the end it’s not important and I can’t change my vision anyway. In this case, I was specifically interested in how the bureaucracy runs here.
You’re just happy that there’s something like eyeglasses and you can even drive through it.
Well, it’s not so important now that I’m going with glasses. If it had been nice not to stand in the papers, but it is like this:)
First DANKE for the star. I don’t even know which office gets these documents and whether it’s the same everywhere.
But in this case, you mean the Road Transport Office?
In an ophthalmologist, a cardi is created. So that the doctor has documented everything during your next visit. With an optician, you go away with a wipe.
Then I guess they’ll be made so fast at the first aid course for the driver’s license, right?
These are official data – of course!
With my ophthalmologist, everything is in his file, even photos of my eye background, so that he can find out about the retina. The optician saved everything about my glasses in his computer.