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Online Handel (Dropshopping) Kurse?
Servus Leute und zwar würde ich gerne in den Online Handel einsteigen….sollte man sich Kurse buchen um sich sozusagen “Ausbilden” zu lassen oder wie lerne ich Online Handel zu betrieben? Gibt es bücher die mich unterstützen (oder audio books?) Vielen Dank für eure fragen
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I don’t like numbers, but what do you think I’ve been in it since I got my business… Wouldn’t that be out of hand until I have an overview. That’s my opinion!
You can also take a tax advisor from the start. Everyone as he thinks.
The tax office will certainly not appreciate your favor if an estimate should be necessary…
If you have no idea of numbers and taxes, you don’t do business. It’s not a pony farm.
If you don’t have anything to do with numbers, you shouldn’t run a business
There are tax advisors
In such a case, a tax advisor is a good option, otherwise you pay money.