Wenn man die Module für den LKW-Führerschein macht, muss die Schlüsselzahlt 95 auf dem Kartenführerschein eingetragen sein?

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9 months ago

In the case of older driving licences yes, there is a new qualification for drivers. (Holy bureaucratius!)

So until 10.9.2009 Class C acquired = driving license, then acquired = driver qualification….bla, bla……

All right? I have just entered modules 95 in my driving licence (old).

The authorities already provide a further shortage of drivers in the labour market with a permanent improper new regulation, which threatens considerable new fines. It is also only old wine in new hoses….

9 months ago
Reply to  eletiger4711

It is so that you need to make the modules new every 5 years in DE, also your license for CE must be renewed constantly, because the validity is entered in the FS. So health check, vision test, and my knowledge can be taken into account in Germany a different requirement for visual aid (e.g. car without, but truck with visual aid).

Your old FS hasn’t been valid for a long time (relative to CE), you hopefully know. It should have been renewed.

Without 95, it doesn’t use anything in practice (almost). You can make the modules in a week, depending on the driving school (5 lessons).

You’d better find the job and then ask for it…. But as a remedy, it always looks dark, only because of the “incorrectness” and the associated hurdles for the AG, i.e., it is better to be reduced in time. In the meantime, the AG is threatened with a fine of 5.000,00€ according to the Internet if they do not pay attention to whether the modules are registered…. Therefore, the meticulous demands!

Good luck!

9 months ago

Just for A, the glasses would most disturb me (due to reflections under the sight). Actually, the doctor only got a position for the renewable part – that’s good. Ask the driver before. They’d have to tell you what would be exhibited.

You can still register. Only the driver’s license point asks IMMER at the previous one and can be transmitted the entries.

9 months ago

Too bad it had been.

9 months ago

No, why should they? There are no extra rules for this. If you don’t mind, the B is safe (because included).

9 months ago

No, the B is also registered, then everything is clear, actually B without visual aid…. That’s good!

But with D you can actually work well, I missed that. I have already been mentioned several times, also with the hint that you would accept these costs. Only I don’t have D….

As a bus driver, you have no better chances to get help than with CE.

9 months ago

The keyword is the “proven road safety”. Would you like and can you afford a trial? Are you sure to win this? I see this a little more critical, to say so.

The rules continue to exist, so you’ll have to complain.

And what else: in the EU this is not true, only for people living in DE. That’s safe. I know the basic rule with the mentioned deadline, but this is relatively new!

9 months ago

Just ask at the KV – they will surely give you a good answer to the topic.

9 months ago

As long as you properly tax your income (not forgetting social insurance), you can conclude an oral contract with him – or in writing (better proof). It’s both good!

9 months ago

Well, the leading obedient of the doctor – I had a guy like that too. Remedies: there are offices where you can also determine the suitability (to be found in the new countries)-

This is, first, cheaper and secondly, not so busy with this arbitration. Conversely, however, the doctor is obliged if he finds that the visual acuity at the back and the front is not sufficient to object to the other classes. Only then with the other editions and not flat. There is no health-related inventory protection. If it’s not enough, it’s gone. Driving suitability must always be given everywhere.

From my experience, amended right is also applicable to the renewal of the driving licence, nix conservation, as you mean. Otherwise you don’t need any modules. …, no driver card….

Yes, there are also rules for “older” driving licences, but they were also adapted.

Good luck!