Wenn man Anorexie (Magersucht) aufgibt wird man dann fett?

Ich habe oft jetzt in den sozialen Medien gesehen dass Menschen nachdem sie Anorexie also Magersucht überwunden hatten stark zugenommen haben und sogar im Übergewicht gelandet sind..

Wir hoch ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit das man dann in eine andere Esstörung rutscht oder halt komplett zunimmt? Hat jemand Erfahrungen?

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8 months ago


It is normal if you eat sufficient quantities again to increase first. This usually acts scary and is often a moment for the sick, where they tend to be relapsed.

I have made the experience that you increase to a point where the body feels safe again. This point is individual, does not mean trying to put yourself one. If you are worried about it, you should talk to a doctor instead of reducing the food again or otherwise taking measures. If you increase beyond this point, this weight will regulate itself. As soon as you eat enough again, you often eat much more, which is called extreme hunger (no idea whether this is now a scientifically correct name). When this hunger has re-regulated, what happens by the aftergiving of this hunger, the weight also regulates.

Means that it can happen that you can increase, but it does not have to be a matter of concern. First of all, concentrate on regular and sufficient food, then the weight is regulated by itself.

Take care of yourself.

8 months ago

No, you’re getting healthy.

You just have to go into therapy until you’re stable.

8 months ago

No, you’ll get healthy in the best case, so get a normal weight. However, this is not an overweight or even fat, but just normal.