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Also a not lie has a bitter aftertaste at the end.
the smart internet questioned and get the following info
Ultimately, the assessment of not lie depends on how to consider individual ethical and moral values. Some people prefer absolute honesty, while others believe that small trouble lies are sometimes necessary.
LG .Angel
You’re gonna get another one…😘
I’m trying…
That’s what I just thought. Angel is going out one after another today 🤩
Thanks for the star ✴️💝I was very happy about it. LG Angel
😂My mind is also very fresh
That’s it!
How do you define this one? If we’re in, how do you define a lie?
Wrong is also a relative understood because something can only be wrong if it is measured on something. Therefore change wrong and correct depending on what you’re doing.
I would consider the whole thing more pragmatic. Lies or distress lies are social interactions. They bring certain beefits with them, however, can also entail corresponding disadvantages. As with everything in life, it’s up to you to decide when to use it and what purpose.
“If lies are wrong…” – well, this is a moral vulnerability.
Thus, certain ethical principles are followed, how one (ideally) behaves in human coexistence.
And since we (usually) do not live in an ‘ideal’ world, this morality can also apply to EQUIPMENT. Situations are conceivable in which it seems reasonable to accept deviations from the ‘ideal behavior’.
With regard to the actually desired ‘non-leaf’, the term ’emergency’ has been invented.
If you don’t want to live as a hypocrite, a ’emergency’ is only justified in very rare cases.
For me, an emergency lie is something that no one harms and is not supposed to fool.
The only advantage of a (small) emergency lie is the protection of one’s own person and possibly the lying person with regard to embarrassing, unpleasant moments.
I don’t think any lie is wrong.
If I lie, then only to protect others or myself.
Also wrong. It is only called to justify itself.
Huhu, dear BrainFog128. 😊
Not lies are important, so they are so… in the need I can apply them.
With truth, I could hurt a person….
Imagine I’m telling a person that he’s got straw in his head, that would be hurting if he knows what I mean… To do this, the emergency lie is there.
Greetings, Renate. 😊
are logically also wrong
Not lies are individual. Whether they are really necessary, there can be quite different opinions in individual cases.
that is then politics