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2 years ago

This depends on the card, the payment method used and any credit framework available.

If the dealer uses a payment method without online authorization, the payment is initially apparently possible, but days later can still be rejected by the bank, which then leads to some trouble.

2 years ago

Yeah, you can. You need to see how high your dispocredit is set up. Probably sp 500€ or 1000€

2 years ago

If you have a dispo frame and the account is allowed to pass.

Otherwise, the cash register and says “Progress not possible”

2 years ago

Depends on your account. You usually can’t transfer a youth account. A current account with Dispo

2 years ago

If a dispo was set up by the bank – yes.

Other possibility: direct debit – here the cover is not checked simultaneously during the payment process.

2 years ago

No, it won’t work.

2 years ago

If you have an appropriate dispo, this is possible. But note the dispozines….

2 years ago

This depends on whether you are allowed to move over and whether you are paid with PIN or signature.

2 years ago

Depends on the terminal and the card.