Wenn ihr leute zum essen einladet bei euch nachhause, sagt ihr den gast er muss es bezahlen danach oder selber was mitbringem das es fair ist?

Z.b ihr Landet familie oder freunde ein.

Hatte mal so einen fall wo ein freund von mir eingeladen worden ist, bei seinen Kumpel und die mutter meinte er muss selber essen mitbringen oder wir berechnen es.

Wer macht sowas 😂 ist schon sehr Geizig

Was haltet ihr davon und was ist eure Meinung?

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1 year ago

If this is a bottle party, say a fete where everyone is bringing anything and then I assume everyone is bringing something. And if I invite and want everyone to pay for it then this is also communicated beforehand and then of course applies to all and not just for one person. The latter comes only at Christmas before us in the family and then presents are completely dispensed with.

Otherwise, I find it very bad when you invite someone and then the one who has to pay himself or bring his own food. Where the latter is completely normal with me, as I bring my food to everyone myself as I feed myself as the only one in the complete friend, well-known and family group vegan (and before I get nothing to eat despite invitation, because after more than 2.5 years it will still forget that I don’t eat any animal products, I prefer to bring myself something).

1 year ago

When I invite people to dinner, these are my guests. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be an invitation.

Those who feed people and then calculate consumption do not invite. For food you only have to pay in the restaurant in which not was invited.

When someone does that, he is not greedy, but through and through social.

1 year ago

What do you think of it and what is your opinion?

This is dysfunctional behavior, as it is so unusual or culturally deviating is that it could be misinterpreted as a targeted hostility.

It does No one. Of course a guest in the private sector does not have to pay for food.

1 year ago

Well, I think that’s okay with less well-kept. just don’t go after as a surprise. THAT’s a meanness.

I’ve got two good friends living from the civil money. When they invite to dinner, they’ll be asked. “How can you bring some more sugar?

It’s clear in the front, the money for the kg. I won’t see sugar anymore. but they do not begin to calculate. If you look at the bottom line, I’d say we never paid more than we got. But that doesn’t matter. If the two can do something for me, they don’t hesitate. so after that my car was inne Grütze, for months depending on the time Tessas could borrow Vanssa’s car…

Lg, Nicki

1 year ago

If I invite, I’ll invite you.

There is, of course, also the case that one meets where and many bring what. But I wouldn’t call that “invite to dinner.” We have made more frequent with friends /knowns on the campsite. But that was not the case that someone “invited” but more a planned meeting with barbecues…. It didn’t necessarily have to bring JEDER what, but most did, and one also spoke a little who brought what.

1 year ago

This now depends on the specific circumstances.

Of course I don’t do that. That would be extremely rude. Either I invite someone to dinner or not.

Something else would be if a guest regularly presses and invites himself or herself. is always here and wants to eat without some kind of return.
If, for example, my son has one of his friends here every couple of days, and then he would like to sit here every time, it could be that after a very long time I kindly point out that it would be nice if he made any contribution to it. Except of course, the whole thing is halfway balanced, and my son may also sit with the parents of the friend in return.

1 year ago

Depends on the more precise contexts.

If I’m the host, so someone explicitly invited to dinner in my home, I’ll pay it all. Unless you celebrate a party, for example, and the guests have offered various things from the outset.

Wait… Or you organize a meeting of a fan group on the private property, the arrival costs are born to everyone, the one or the other brings something (with prior notification) and the costs for the food provided for all are shared by the number of participants. This is also not a problem if everyone knows and agrees on it from the outset.

But generally invite to dinner a la “Hey Buddy M and M ́s wife and youngsters…. I invite you to eat with us on Sunday for lunch” – and then suddenly stop the hand on Sunday “This then per head makes so many euros. No, it’s not okay.

Can it be something else behind your friend’s story?

  • Suppose his mate has independently invited without prior consultation with his mother… then I can understand the reaction of the mother (the attempt to indirectly communicate “this is not a restaurant”).
  • Suppose your friend has already been very often invited to dinner “self”…. or his buddy has already put him to the dining table several times without consulting the mother…. then I can understand the reaction of the mother (“this is not a restaurant – I as the mother of this household does not want to be passed”).
  • Suppose your friend was a rather difficult guest in such situations (very dubious, wants special treatments, behaves with meals, has neither greeted nor thanked for food) … then I can understand the reaction of the mother (deterrent of the difficult guest in the hope of resting in the future).
1 year ago

Money goes and money comes, sometimes the geiz of people is good but sometimes not. For example, I’ve spent 250€ because I’ve been so kindhearted and always spent for my girlfriend. So it depends when you invite someone at home you can already say what to do, but it’s not a different number. But if you invite someone outside, I would say separately. Everyone pays out for themselves.

1 year ago

If I invite someone, I’ll invite someone.

1 year ago

I see that, if I’m invited, I’m invited. then I don’t pay, I can give up such a “invitation” and don’t even go.

But if you can easily meet with someone without occasion and bring anything to eat, it’s okay for me.

1 year ago

Well, if you’re just gonna get people to dinner for your birthday. But, of course, they don’t have to pay. They give something anyway.

1 year ago

Who’s doing this? Sounds like Swabians

1 year ago

I can imagine it was just a joke…

And if not, it’s really the same and I’d just go back there.