Wenn ihr jemand eine e-mail geschrieben habt. wie lange würdet ihr Zeit (wieviel Tage) geben zum antworten?

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1 year ago

At least a short feedback until then

1 year ago

What does “give x days to answer”?

If I write an email to someone privately, then it is not in my hand whether or when I get an answer email.

It doesn’t matter what I expect. I could start after 2, 4, 6, 200 days to make one on Rumpelstilzchen – just nix. As I said, if and when the answer is then the other person.

With official emails, with important emails to a class teacher of my youngster, or when it comes to professional things,… even then it is not in my hand within what time it is answered. Only one hopes in such a case for a relatively timely response.

So I just click on the answer option “1 day”…. Because this number is just as good as any other

1 year ago

It depends on when I send them. I’ll send them a reply on Monday, and I’ll be happy to reply on Friday. I only send them away on Friday then like a week because over the weekend quite a lot of emails will be collected,



1 year ago

On the third day I would ask again.