Wenn ihr im Supermarkt eingekauft habt, wie schnell räumt ihr euren Einkauf an der Kasse wieder in den Einkaufswagen?
Eure Einschätzung
Eure Einschätzung
Bitte sagen ob Discounter oder Supermarkt Auch ob alles eigenmarke oder auch Marken Artikel gekauft werden oder alls nur in Bio Qualität? Der person Kreis Zb alleinerziehende Mutter mit Teenagern hat anders kaufverhalten als groß famile mit 5 Kindern
Hallo, ich wollte mal Fragen ob ihr, wenn ihr High seid irgendwelche Präferenzen habt was ihr gerne esst. (Wenn ihr nen Fressflash schiebt) Bei mir isses so dass ich keine wirkliche Vorlieben hab, alles was da is is gleich gut, halt besser aber gleich gut 😂 kinda random weil ich sonst starke Vorlieben habe.
Stellen Hochbegabte mehr Fragen als normale Kinder und wollen “alles” wissen?
Hallo liebe Community ich plane in meiner Mittagspause einen kurzen Ausflug zum Kaufland, das 1500m entfernt liegt und ich mit zufuße erreichen kann. Oder lieber Netto das 1000m entfernt ist? Was ist besser
1) Wie findet ihr den Spruch? Ich finde den Spruch witzig und lost zugleich. 2) Wie kann ich damit aufhören? Erklärung: Ich wollte mich motivieren, dass ich jetzt abschalten kann und ich gerade meine Freizeit habe. Aber dann habe ich angefangen die Motivation zu demotivieren, dass morgen bestimmt schlimmere Dinge passieren. Ich hasse mich dafür,…
Warum werden Leute biestrig, wenn man den Spieß umdreht und sich in manchen Situationen genauso verhält wie sie?
I’d rather slow down to the category. It is not a lack of experience how I need to pack my purchases correctly, but because of my physical limitations. In the early job I was constantly shopping for my customers. For a large purchase I could not need 30 minutes more. The EX Employer constantly pressured. That’s why all the guns are known to me for the quick pack of big shopping. But that job made me sick as I am in the end.
I’ve been working in the entire Altag’s life since my big disc incident. Since I sometimes suffer from chronic pain, the whole left side of the body is impaired, I suffer from chronic back pain, my head can only rotate under pain, and still have many other complaints, everything just goes away slowly.
I myself know that for other people I have become a barrier to traffic. But honestly, I don’t let myself stress. People who are also affected may be right to buy. I’m going to go shopping with my sister at wholesale purchases.
Of course, I don’t go shopping at the stoss times, but at the hours where there are fewer people in the store. I know the fact that it has to go fast at lunchtime, for example. The wallet and my bag is always ready before I go to the checkout. First, I put everything in my pockets, and that’ll be all in the shopping trolley. At the checkout I always pay with the card as soon as there are other people standing behind. Because on a few days my hands would tremble and the coins would fall out of my hands. Once there was this situation and the people behind me then helped the coins search nicely.
If the store chains unfortunately only hold a served checkout to save personnel, this is not my personal fault. I have no influence on the circumstance itself. The people who are very eager can avoid self-service cascades in Switzerland. That’s why I often don’t use self-service stuff to stop the horny people.
I’ll make it quick. Of course, don’t throw it in that way. However, as I find it extremely rude and respectless to other customers when you are slow. Most of the time, the customers are annoying me the first time they pack everything in all the tranquility and only then pay. In addition, it is not only respectless to the other customers, but also to the cashier. She gets trouble when she doesn’t pull so much articles over the scanner. Of course, no one says what if a customer is old and fragile.
The staff in the global discounter is faster.
At the staff of a hessian supermarket I sleep a
Everything quickly back into the shopping cart and then I pack it aside so that the checkout is quickly free. I’m disturbing the slow thing of others. The ones at the cashier are to pack it in their bags and all the others are to wait.
I have opened my bags in the shopping cart, and the goods come in immediately.
Guess me as fast. There are no more than 2 items to be admitted when the cashier calls the bill.
Can’t suffer if people leave everything up, then clear numbers and then in the car, it just takes too long.
Just clever! From intelligent people you can learn a lot 🥰
Thank you Diana
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Would say normally fast, now not intentionally slow and there are already people who are even slower than me, but also many people who are faster than me.
It’s quick to think.
I have my own system when I clean up and don’t let me get rid of it by the hectic posting of the cashier.
I also basically pay only after I cleared my goods into the shopping cart.
Anyway, I don’t have a bad conscience, my guilt isn’t that of 20 cash registers just one.
Completely correct 👍👍👍
I usually say I’m pretty fast at the checkout. If someone was particularly slow in front of me or caused waiting times, I’ve stopped a few times. That was then vaguely ne minute, with I also only buy for one person and the 2-3× a week. But people who sort everything directly into a bag, because they don’t have a basket or car, and then they still have to look for their wallet, are really annoying!
If you buy a single week and do it for 4 people, you need longer.
The others don’t want to wait forever. LG
I’ll put the stuff on the tape as I’ll pack it in the bags later. When packing, I’ll sort out what’s going on in the refrigerator, what’s in the closet, etc. During the payment process, I’ll get the last items and I’ll be gone.
It’s pure stress. With larger purchases, you haven’t even cleared up your car because of lack of space, you have to clean up again. Buy, pay out and clean up and get out!
I’ve developed a good technique. Shopping trolleys are always there, even if I bought only a few items. This brings relaxation when you clean up. I’ve got the money to pay, so I don’t have to run around in the wallet forever.
Then a nice thank you and bye.
Perfectly do this, with bowls and ♥️
Thank you very much
Hurry. In normal cases, I am almost flush with the caching of the goods at the checkout with cleaning in the car.
Fast enough to stop anyone unnecessarily and without stressing me about the dimensions.
What do I mean? hate like the pestilence are so shops where the opponent pushes the shopping into the shopping carts, because they are so stressful when they move over that you can’t get behind in terms of speed.
So it is and then watch that nothing falls next 👍👍
I think I’m pretty fast; But I also want to make it as fast as possible to stop no one!
beautiful from you
There is hardly anything else left as fast as the cashiers are.
Right. They only pull everything quickly over the scanner, so that everything comes up in front of the customer and threatens to pinch down.
“After me the Flood!” could be the motto of these exuberant persons 🙂
Completely correct!👍👍👍
Right, sooner it was quieter than they had to admit the prices
Good by you
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Everything that ran over the scanner was right away. Doesn’t make sense to wait
Now. I also have no understanding for people who not only wait until everything has been pulled over before they start cleaning up, but also only then start looking for wallet or card. I have the money ready before the cashier starts scanning.
I’ve already paid before I get to it. And when she says, 12,57 I say, “Look at her cash.” This is already in
you’ll notice that you’re so smart… No cashier leaves a customer to the cashier…
Super, and then laugh when the cashier looks in the cash register.
No. I’ll tell you correctly that I’ll get 7.43 change, which she’ll be evasive.
Depends on how fast the cashier is 😅 fit me there.
This is also enforced by the trolleys at the cash register. They are so fast scanning that you are forced to quickly create space.
Need to be careful not to drop a glass on the floor
From habit, it used to work alongside Aldi and you learn to quickly cash and clean up goods.
If you don’t buy much, it’s easier.
So fast, but somehow relaxed, don’t let me stress now, but would like such an order in the shopping trolley hahah
Would be right!
I’m trying to speed it up. Like I wasn’t at all.
fast but very tidy I also place those in the shopping cart after paying. always buy with my wife. so is best.
Two, it’s better!
That’s it. We’re almost as fast as a classic. People standing behind us look forward to our performance. They are coming forward faster and faster
As fast as I can. Why should I slow down? The faster this is done, the better. I don’t like to wait, the customers don’t like me
You don’t want to let anyone wait. But don’t just throw everything in, a certain order must be
“Normal.” I put zero value on getting the stuff back into the car faster than the cashier pulls it over the scanner. And I’m zero-valued to get rid of the stuff you bought when it’s too careless. Purchasing thus comes quickly into the car, but hecticism in any form is not in play.
I like it when you vote
Yeah, it can be.
It doesn’t fit.
Very fast?
The first two are too lame, the last two are too hectic – and in the middle field there is nothing to vote.
That’s right
As fast as I can. I feel uncomfortable when others have to wait for me.
Only stress
At the normal pace, I don’t rush! There’s no reason for that, others can wait a moment.
I usually take two more people with me who helped me get the checkout.
That would be good if possible
Sometimes not fast enough. But then the cashier has to wait for me…
May one 🤟🏻ja hang loose, take it easy 🤟🏻😃
You’re right. Customer is also a person 😌👍🏻
quickly from the band into the caddy – in the car then sort into the matching baskets!
We try to be fast, but what is not so easy for a big buy.
I’m glad I usually do the roughly weekly big buy with my husband.
This alone wouldn’t be possible. 😐
: do you only go to large purchases? once a month?
No, we have to make a big deal every week and a half. So in the month it is more than 3 or 4 big purchases, we also need a lot of fruit and vegetables.
In cities, freshness goes daily – after the job?
I don’t let myself be pushed…
it can’t be alone anymore.
I need to go fast.
Cosy and stress-free … but: the car is admitted before I have to pay!
you have no chance Cashierwoman as an end boss of shopping:D
Hi, Superturk.
It’s going fast, scanned and out into the shopping cart.
In German supermarkets the motto is: Time is money….
And then you have to do everything by yourself.
Greetings, Renate.
Shopping is just stress. You should buy v i e l and get out quickly 👎👎👎
You’re right. 👍👍👍
I’m joking.
I have the rest away ðŸTM‚
Especially when they push behind me, I automatically get slower 😄
It’s always stressing me, but I give my best:)
Not at all. Directly into the bag.
How I don’t want to tell me how fast