Wenn ich zu viel konsumiere krieg ich ein anfall?
Früher ist mir das nie passiert seit nh woche smoke ich zu viel und heute hab ich mich hingelegt wollte aufstehen und ich hab für nh 1min sowas wie ein anfall bekommen und hab meine adern gefükt es hat wehgetan und an meiner Nase hat es auch sehr gekitzelt aba auch wehgetan wrm aba
You already write that you consume too much. That this knowledge already exists is good. Continue to consume too much, if you know that it is too much, rather not so.
I recommend talking to professionals about your consumption and its consequences. That can be a doctor. But that can also be people from a consultancy office. The advice is always confidential, non-binding and does not cost you either. Look over here:https://mindzone.info/beratung/
Also here on the platform are consultants on the way to talk about this. Maybe look at or over.
Apart from that, maybe helpful: https://mindzone.info/health/consumer reflection/
Good luck!
Well, that’s just how you get rid of the beet with the shit. Get your hands off the drugs before it’s too late. That was a warning of your body.
Then just consume less