Wenn ich zu Spenden für meinen Blog aufrufe, habe ich dann ein kommerzielles Interesse?
Ich recherchiere gerne zu Thematiken und schreibe hierzu E-Mails an betreffende Stellen. Noch ist mein Blog ein reines, privates Hobby. Oft werde ich bei Antworten gefragt, ob ich ein kommerzielles Interesse verfolge. Verfolge ich ein kommerzielles Interesse, wenn ich einen Spenden-Button implementiere?
You’ll have to tax such “donations.” They must be treated as gifts. Donation calls are criminally problematic, as a misunderstanding can be constructed at any time when the funds taken are used differently than suggested.
Answers pass questions. I was merely concerned about whether the call or installation of a donation button already leads a private, non-commercial blog to a commercial interest. I’m aware that I have to tax the donations.
Are you acting non-profit, are you a non-profit organization and have it confirmed?
If no, you can call it what you want, but it’s revenue – which you would have to tax accordingly.
Answers pass questions. I was merely concerned about whether the call or installation of a donation button already leads a private, non-commercial blog to a commercial interest. I’m aware that I have to tax the donations.