Wenn ich nach Schottland fliegen möchte und bereits online eingecheckt habe ( mit Reisepass) sind nach der Personalkontrolle noch andere Kontrollen nötig?
Ich meine mal gelesen bzw. gehört zu haben dass bei Flughäfen nochmal andere spezielle Kontrollen bei Reisezielen außerhalb von Schengen nötig wären. Ich nehme meinen Reisepass mit und würde mich nach der Personalkontrolle danach zum Gate begeben oder ist noch etwas zu beachten?
I just had a week of Scotland. You give up your baggage, go to passport control and let your hand pack check. Then you wait for your flight. On arrival it runs differently (without separate hand-pack check): You go to passport control, get your abandoned baggage and go through customs. In most cases, through the green exit (not to customs) – unless, for example, you have more than EUR 10,000 in cash – then in any case you have to go through the customs.
DAs are different. I had to go through further controls, others didn’t. Why it was, I don’t know.
It’s still through passport control.
This is done here in the country after the security check or when I arrive at the airport of the destination?
One here in Germany and then again after arrival. There, the officer decides about your entry.
Most of the time with the passport.
Personal control? Are you working at the airport or on a plane?
Usually there are:
Check-in – With baggage task and check of the boarding pass, goes without if checked online
Safety control with illumination of the hand luggage and pick-up with metal detector – is IMMER
Identification check for border crossing. If flights within the EU or within Schengen often fail, I cannot guarantee.
Good flight.
Yes, I meant the ID checks, thank you. I’ll have to do it. Is it always after security control?
…or are they only made when I arrive in the destination?
Super, thanks 🙏
For my last flights (Berlin -> Romania) it was before departure (after security check) and upon arrival (directly after entering the building)
Oh, yeah, don’t forget, just before they get in, they want to see the boarding cards again.