Wenn ich meinen PC resete also alle Festplatten im BIOS löschen tue und Windows neu installiere, können dann irgendwelche Schadsoftwaren draufsein?

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2 years ago

If you reset your PC and delete all disks in the BIOS and then reinstall Windows, no malware should be present. However, if the malware is installed on the firmware level of the operating system, it may not be completely removed even if you delete the hard drives in the BIOS and reinstall Windows. In such cases, I recommend that you contact a technician who can help you remove malware.

2 years ago

When I reset my PC

…you just start him new. That’s all.

so do all disks in the BIOS do

This is not technically possible.
Even if you mean “drive” or “partition” and not “hard drive”.

can any malware be on it?

malware can always be on it everywhere. Normal.

2 years ago

Yes, it is quite possible that your PC still contains malware after a reset and a new Windows installation. This can happen if the malware is embedded very deeply in the operating system and is not removed by formatting the hard disk. It is therefore important that you perform a thorough malware scan after resetting and reinstalling Windows to ensure that your system is clean. It is also recommended to always use a trusted security software to avoid future infections.

2 years ago

Before you reset everything, let it go thoroughly from the Windows decoder.