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Sandro von mudrastreetwork

Hey YaoiLover4,

In people who consume cannabis only occasionally, THC (or its degradation substance THC-COOH) can normally only be detected for a few days in urine. However, it may take up to 30 days or even longer for regular consumers until the metabolites are no longer detectable in urine. If you do not consume cannabis regularly and smoke a joint today, THC should not be detectable in your urine in 3 weeks.

If you are worried about your consumption, you can use the free online consultation platformDigiSearchuncomplicated and anonymously contact (online) consultancy offices near you. And of course, you can just write me here on a good question if you like 🙂

Best regards,

sandro by mudrastreetwork / DigiStreet

5 months ago

If you rarely consume this is no longer detectable in 3 weeks.

If you consume daily, it can also take 3 months until you are clean.

5 months ago

Google ‘Sustainable cannabis, one-time consumption’ (possibly also ‘local consumption’)

5 months ago

No, you have to test it.