Wenn ich einen Außenfilter mit 450l/h für ein 140l Aquarium einsetzen möchte, passt das, obwohl der Filter (JBL e402) für max. 120l max. gedacht ist?
Das Problem ist, dass ich den Filter schon habe und eventuell die Option auf ein Aquarium habe, welche 140l Befüllung hat. Das Aquarium an sich ist größer aber der Besitzer meinte, es kommen max. 140l rein, wenn man den Boden mit Kies etc. ebrücksichtigt. Gehe ich von der Faustformel aus, dass der Beckeninhalt 2 bis 3 mal pro Stunde druchlaufen sollte, dann würde der Filter für die Menge reichen. Oder liege ich da falsch?
For simplicity and comparability, the liter indication refers to the nominal size of the basin, not to the actual amount of water.
For a 4 Watt filter, the JBL e 402 is really impressive. In my opinion, the best filter of his class.
Whether the filter is enough for the large basin depends on how it is set up and occupied. Strongly planted basins with moderate occupancy need virtually nourishing, while a heavily occupied East Africa rock biotope needs much more filtration. How much flow is required also depends on the occupation.
For my 160x30x30 cm basin, the pump power is actually too weak, the flow only reaches half despite the flat jet nozzle and outlet on the opposite side. However, as my fish prefer to stay in the calmer half, this is ok for my purposes. Under these conditions, mechanical filtering is more moderate because the lack of flow does not optimally transport the trough, but this is not a big problem. The biological filter power is completely sufficient, because there are no problems. Actually, this was an e 401, which I upgraded with the new upper filter basket to e 402 standard. The much larger prefilter surface has greatly extended the service life and the flow is somewhat stronger than before. I use the original filter media, but I used the sintered glass balls as the last stage.
Yes that goes, gives ne beautiful flow where the animals show very beautiful behavior
if the flow is too strong you need to fan the one bit
Thanks for the info.
Yes, of course. However, this does not give a “tolle” flow, as is claimed here, but rather of course the opposite, because the filter then runs in the 140 l basin rather marginal.
But if you don’t overload the pelvic, the filter is enough. Even if one considers that the filter power is anyway reduced during operation and leaves even more due to the ever-increasing contamination of the filter media.
Nevertheless, you can use the filter for the 140 l aquarium.
Thank you. So do it better than 120l pelvis?
Yes, of course – but as I said, not the number of liters is decisive, but in particular what occupation and how much the occupation is. In a rather weakly populated aquarium (because, for example, revier-forming ash), the filter would be loosely sufficient – in a completely overcrowded company AQ (often with too large fish) rather not ….
Um, so it depends on 🙂
You can filter basins weakly. But not all kinds of pelvis.
The plus would be the volume of the filter is not small.
What are you doing? So what kind of pelvis and what kind of occupancy?
Basically- rather yes, should go, just try.
At the moment I have 5 Black Mollys, 5 platys, 2 prachtal-eaters and 3 garnel and some plants that are unfortunately eaten away by young people and probably also the big ones. I want to keep fish feeling comfortable. Better a reasonable number of fish and more plants.
So no big fish – that’ll work.
No bad idea perhaps: all your animals (except perhaps the young ones but there are swimming plants against it) have nothing against flow, maybe you can add a small extra flow pump to the filter instead of a stronger filter.