Wenn es nur noch E-Autos gibt: Würdet ihr eines kaufen?
Mittlerweile muss ich sagen: Ja. Zumindest für den Alltag. Seid meinen neuen Plug-In Hybrid bin ich nicht mehr so abgeschreckt was Elektro angeht und würde mich damit wenn ich es mir leisten kann mit einem Elektro zufrieden geben.
Also das ihr als Alternative wenn ihr kein Elektroauto nimmt, einem gebrauchten Verbrenner kauft und den solange fährt bis er kaputt ist.
Würdet ihr in Zukunft eines kaufen?
No, I’ll still buy 2-3 burners and maintain them that they still hold their 20-30 years, then my kids can still drive with right cars when they’re grown up and not with any boring and synthetic computers on 4 wheels on the go…
the question is stupid. If there’s nothing else I can buy. If I had the choice, it would be a burner. As soon as a large-area power failure occurs (Blackout), Sense is with mobility.
And because I’m in THW, that’s not an option for me. I still have to be able to visit my local association.
I mean, with the question that you theoretically either don’t buy a car anymore or take used burners. it goes until it’s broken.
Then it was not understandable enough:)
Right, I will correct 😄
I would also buy one if everything over 4 cylinders is still available in very expensive cars.
If there are only e-cars, you have no alternative. I live in the country, there’s no car.
but until then, only a burner comes to my house!
No, as long as there is no decent charging infrastructure (within the cities). In addition, there are also old cars with internal combustion engines with which you can drive to the emergency.
If there were no new burners, there would be only E- or H2. But then I would keep my last gasoline for ever.
Have one and definitely not regret the change.
As long as it’s not a SUV is definitely.
I couldn’t load it with me.
Besides, I don’t need a car.
If there’s nothing else, I don’t have another choice.
If there is no more than one, you have no choice.
What else was left to me? Effis in the country???
More hybrid
What is the alternative? Run?
True or you drive your burner until it’s completely broken.