Wenn es einen Orden für geimpfte geben würde, würdet ihr den tragen?

So zum Beispiel, ansteck Button auf dem dann steht, 3x geimpft, 4fach, doppelt geimpft und so weiter …

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2 years ago

What kind of reason would there be? Being vaccinated is not a performance. Is more embarrassing

2 years ago
Reply to  Zunami12345

Being vaccinated is embarrassing? Or have to present his vaccination status?

2 years ago
Reply to  mjutu

To present his vaccination status as if it were something special

2 years ago

Thank you. Now I’m getting more clear what you mean.

2 years ago

No. No order is necessary for vaccinations, as these are sensible and protect against diseases. My vaccination passport is completely enough to me by documenting my vaccinations.

2 years ago

Of course not. Vaccinations are sensible and reasonable, but you don’t need orders.

The protection against serious diseases is enough.

2 years ago

I’ll find the joke with the “Cattle Button” good. In principle, vaccination is an immunization, and without contagion, it is not possible. There’s gotta be something going on.

The rest everyone can decide what someone thinks right. Whether vaccinated or unvaccinated. I don’t remember. As long as you accept the decision of the opponent.

2 years ago

No. Vaccination should still be the personal decision of each person. If one would then also make differences within the population by means of “good” and “bad” differences, it will divide people.

2 years ago
Reply to  ToastmitHonig

Auweia… one imagines that each vaccination would have to carry such a “order” and all unimped but also… well then something would be loose… ohje… ♀️ ♀️

2 years ago
Reply to  Frageritikum

And perhaps also the party you choose to write on a box. I think then even the police can do nothing more against the riot 🥲

2 years ago

😅 Yes exactly. Also best if you are atheist, or religious, etc… is 😆

2 years ago

It depends. If that were meant to be “reported” with the benches or with the vaccination pass, then yes. But even if there are not the other two possibilities. Otherwise, it’s just another extra and that’s too complicated. I think I’d even be afraid to be attacked on the streets of unimpeded if the mentally aren’t so okay and think, boaaah, away with the vaccinated.

2 years ago

No. Orders belong to the researchers who develop medicines, not to those who use them.

2 years ago

The argument that inoculation is not a performance, I think it is convincing.

However, it is not perfect: 3 out of 10’000 vaccinations have severe side effects and some of them even vaccination damage. These include, for example, autoimmune reactions triggered by the vaccination, since not only antibodies against corona, but also against own tissues were formed. This mainly concerns young, sporty women.

This is little compared to the heavy processes (deaths, for example) by Corona and Long-Covid. Nevertheless, the vaccination against corona as with any other vaccination involves a certain risk in order to avoid a greater one. Whether this is useful for 6 year-old children, who have extremely rare heavy processes, is questionable. In adults or seniors, however, the balance is generally clear – but not in every individual case: Anyone who had severe problems with previous vaccinations or, for example, a lung embolism can have too high a vaccination risk even if the corona risk is higher.

In my opinion, therefore, a small own power is in the process of being inoculated. However, this is not sufficient for the marking with an order or even the public wearing.

The idea of a vaccination order is therefore only suitable for getting back into the notch, in which vaccinations and vaccinations face each other with hatred and aversion. There is no reason for this.

So my answer: No, I wouldn’t wear a medal, nor would I care about such markings of others. When patients get to the hospital, the vaccination pass counts.

2 years ago

No. I take all orders from principle and modesty

2 years ago

No, certainly not. I’m not at school anymore, where there were these little stars in the school book if you’ve got something good.

The vaccination is my personal thing, and I don’t have to celebrate.

2 years ago

So I would wear this order with pride, as I want to show my fellow human being publicly that I fight for them! Without us vaccinated, the world would no longer be as it is now. In addition, I love to wear medals, because at that time I liked to wear the badges of my father. My favorite order, however, is actually a game merchandise of Monkey Island, on this one is “Ask me about Loom”.

LG, your Martin.

2 years ago

No. I did this voluntarily, so I don’t want an award. And with the vaccination effects, I have to deal with myself.

2 years ago

No, don’t make any sense.

Wouldn’t want to wear a medal for other “services”. Find something quite unnecessary

2 years ago

No, it shouldn’t. The quote from the sports world that fits here:


2 years ago

No, I wouldn’t. There would be no reason for me to be “stolz”. I’d rather enjoy secretly…

2 years ago

No. Then we would have states like in the Third Reich with the Jews. Besides, it’s not a power to be inoculated.

2 years ago
Reply to  HayleySmith421

For this comparison, only the concentration camps, expropriations and mass killing would be missing.

2 years ago

But if unimpededs stick to the Jewish star, it’s a scandal…

2 years ago
Reply to  JuliaViktor


2 years ago

Surely not! So the Orders carry for inoculation…

2 years ago

No, why should I mark myself? Don’t understand.

2 years ago

Just as embarrassing as “unimpft” shirts etc. ….

2 years ago

No. 😂

2 years ago


2 years ago

No, why should I?

2 years ago

No! I’m totally stupid.

2 years ago

ain’t it?

2 years ago

I think it’s funny, maybe I’d wear it at Fastnacht…

2 years ago

Hallihallo 🙋🏻,

no, ne totally absurd idea 🤦🏻 ♀️

and total bullshit!


2 years ago

Impforden in Gold for 30 years uninterrupted flu vaccination without crying from the splash… nee thank you.