Wenn eine 22mm Nuss passt, passt dann auch ein 22er Maulschlüssel?
Wenn eine 22er Nuss auf meine Hinterachse vom Motorrad passt, passt dann auch ein 22er Maulschlüssel?
Wenn eine 22er Nuss auf meine Hinterachse vom Motorrad passt, passt dann auch ein 22er Maulschlüssel?
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Hallo, ich habe bei meinem Auto die Steuerkette gewechselt vor 11,5 Monaten. Laut Gesetz bestehen noch 15 Tage Gewährleistung auf die Steuerkette. Habe Kontakt mit der Werkstatt genommen und die meinten zu mir, dass die Beweislastumkehr bei mir liegt und ich das schwer beweisen kann. Was soll ich machen?
That is why there are these measures.
But I wouldn’t use a mule there because he only uses two flanks of the hexagon. A ring key loads the hexagon less (similar to the nut).
If it is a 22 nut: yes, the indication for 6 or 12 Kant plug keys refer to hexagonal screws or nuts.
But… if it’s not a 22 mother, and the nut randomly fits without slipping off, then the muzzle key could blunt or not fit. That would be the case if you were going to drive a Harley, because they do not have metric screws but customs measures, and that can be that metric approximately fit, but it is better to use customs keys.
What kind of sense would it have if it wasn’t the case? Then you need twice as much tool
Guess why both have a 22nd key.
Do you want to experience the par excellence of the smart card?
The maximum according to DIN/ISO for a SW22 tool is a mouth opening of 22.36mm
The minimum size of a 7/8 inch opening to SAE is 22,35mm
Is therefore quite possible that it needs a 22 nut but a 7/8 inch key;)
Yeah, the 22nd key fits the same. But only if the environment of the screw/mother provides enough space for it.
And . . . . . another tip: a ring key with 22mm would also work in this case. 😉
This is the same for all other metric key widths
Fits, the nominal width is the same.
the question is, come with the wrench to the screw
That would go yes;)
then try your luck.
do not slip when you damage the screw, you have a problem with a nut
God praises the metric system. These are 22mm always the same size.
this is the key width in mm, so it fits all in size when you come in place
Yes logically
yes should fit, also ring key 22
SW22 is SW22
Hmm. And when here the said 22-nut of the questioner?
It also fits, is SW22
It’s hard to say that would tap 1974. Just clicked through the first few of the more than one hundred results in the DIN list for the search term “Zwölfkant”, and that was the oldest entry.
since when are there 12-edge screws?torx and multi-tooth I don’t know only 12-edge
That’s the case.
Is ne hexagonal screw;)
Then he would have asked the question differently…
Yeah, but does he have a hexagonal screw? What if he has a twelve-edged screw, his 22-square canteen nut fits on it and is now told that there is also every wrench fit, because SW22 is SW22 equal to SW22?
The nut fits every hexagonal screw.
Yes, this nut fits on its 12-edge screw with SW22. But does he come on with a key for hexagonal screws SW22?
if they have the same form
A nut has a different shape than a muzzle key.
then I don’t know I eat nuts