Wenn du jemanden aus deinem Leben interviewen könntest, der lebt oder gestorben ist, aber kein Prominenter ist, wer wäre es dann?
Ich hatte das jetzt insgesamt schon dreimal, dass ich nach dem aufstehen 1 Sekunden später meine Augen öffnen und alles sich richtig wie auf der Kirmes dreht für 30 Sekunden. Da muss ich so 2 Minuten weiter im Bett bleiben und dann geht’s eigentlich wieder ist das, weil man zu schnell aufsteht, weil ich steh…
Gibt es eine biologische Möglichkeit, nach dem Tod erneut zu Leben? Als derselbe, bewusste Mensch wie gerade jetzt? Wenn ihr versteht, worauf ich hinaus möchte. Dafür müsste zu beantworten sein, was “uns” (unser Ich-Bewusstsein) ausmacht.
Ich will meine Freundin richtig Angst machen.Weil sie hat mir auch mal richtig Angst gemacht.Ich will mich rechen!
Hallo Bin gestresst und leide seit mehreren Tagen! Was soll ich tun?
The dad from my grandpa. He was a North Korean and lived in North Korea and had to suffer a lot.
My grandma I never met. Nevertheless, I feel strongly connected with her
I understand.
My mother’s grandpa I never met. He lived in a Siberian prison camp for some time and I really like to know what he had to tell.
I would like to ask a former friend what she has caused to change from a loving and sympathetic person to the negative and what exactly her problem with the world and herself is. From the intellectual level and the feeling of resentment, I trusted that – I was compared to Alfred Biolek with regard to my conversation, far from that, even if I understood it only years later. But I believe that the conversation would fail in its inner blockade and its own firmed conception of things because it is of the opinion that it is great (at least it suggests that, although everyone knows that it is not) and all others are problematic. I’d like to know what happened to her, because I don’t really believe all the attempts to explain third parties.
If he lives, I would just be able to interview him😁
Otherwise, I would like to talk to a ancestor who was born 200 years before me.Where are the roots of my existence?
This user here:
I always see so much of that haha. I always raise theories with myself and speculate 😂😂😂😅😅
but young I’m 12…besides, I’ll get really weird haha😅
So I don’t know if that counts because so right in my life is eaten yes nd😅, but I often see him and we talked about Taemin and/or SHINe…woow…very much, nh😂😂😂
Yes, he loves Shinee about everything.
My original. I was 7 or 8 when she died. I would be really interested in how it was in her childhood and so..
I’m sorry
All right. I didn’t know her well, and I didn’t even understand it right at the funeral
Nevertheless, it is always sad to lose someone
Probably my grandpa, who unfortunately died too fast.. Before he died, he always told us a lot about his childhood. I think he wanted to tell us more and a conversation/interview with him would make me more than happy.
have met my hero
Love, Flooring Woman
lois sasek
I would like to interview some users here to get light into the dark. 💡
Ohh is right, that might be useful for some of them 😂
Hopefully not me. ECT
I’d love to.
Hopefully not me. ECT
Sounds good, I want to read more from you. 🙃
😂 DOCH -nein Fun.😂
No, my best friends on gf e.g. I do not know them at the same time. I always want to cheer her up as soon as that goes. I’m not bringing it to see others suffer.
I’ll ask funny questions. I’ll take care of it.
No. There are still a few people who might be quite funny. Due to missing information or brain cells 😂
but I have always done that, I ask questions, people answer. Is there an interview?