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I hope that at least no other people are present. For spiders or other animals, I wouldn’t guarantee a few days ago no one in the bedroom was seen, but you never know.
In the morning, on the other hand, it would surprise me if I were alone, as I am with friends and share the sofa with another friend.
Nope, my cat’s always on my side at night. But I don’t feel any demons or beings I can’t see or anything. Make me quite sure.
Yes, no other people will be in the room, I’m very sure. But probably there’s a little spider hidden somewhere 🙂
I am certainly not alone in the room when I go to sleep
But at least I’m the only person in the room.
✨ Sometimesscary
Yes, yes. My friend is staying in the Philippines until Saturday. My dog sleeps in the living room. Voluntary, well-preserved.
I always have My strength and my song is the Lord, he has become salvation to me. He is my God, I will praise him; I will praise the God of my father.
Did you sing?
Certainly not. That would be strange if I suddenly were alone…🤔😁. I have a woman and animals.
Foreign people will not be there, but in the room ambassador there is certainly one or other spider.
Apart from some spiders I should be alone 😌
No, my wife’s here too.
lg up
Ne, my partner sleeps next to me, my cuddly animals chill in the room and the closet as well as the TV
Since my husband also lives here, I can’t be alone
No. I’m sure my wife is next to me
Yes, except those I expect in my bedroom, there is definitely no one
My wife is here. Often even those of the cats
No, silver fish and spiders are still there. And dust mites, and all that dwells in my blankets. Fuck.
I’m sure my husband and dog are sleeping in the bedroom.
Unfortunately, since the cat died, it has been a lot.
You mean the cat
No. His name was Katz.
Yeah, I’m sure