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Most of the things I do with myself, that has always been the case. I learned early that I am most likely to do some things with myself. If I don’t get any further even in rare cases, I ask my uncle, my best mate, a good working mate, with whom I am friends, a good friend, or consciously go deep into me in a quiet minute while walking in nature and often come to a solution. I usually don’t even ask, and in the end it’s so or so on my own. Here is a song by Peter Alexander, which fits perfectly: “Immer auf den Kleinen”.
My wife or my best friend – depending on what it is about.
My girlfriend of work, she best understands me
Schön, wenn man jemanden hat, der einen versteht.
Yeah, very nice. And since I don’t have many friends all the more important
Generally, someone.
Depends on what topic.
I think everyone likes to rely on “the advice”.
You can’t go to “whoever.”
So for different areas I have people who know exactly these things well – or at least know who to ask.
That’s what I’m doing.
My sisters or my friends. Depends on what it’s all about. Everyone has “expertise” in certain areas or has already been through things with me.
My friend, but when it comes to life wisdom, Mutti
There’s about almost everything and each one’s a tutorial video.
It depends, but I usually ask my parents or my friends
Nachfragen zu meinen Transplantaten und damit verbundener Immunsuppression AUSSCHLIEẞLICH nur Leute, die das Thema kennen. (transplantiernde Chirurgen oder main Post Transplantabeler Arzt vor Ort)
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Z.n. Krebs : Betroffene oder Onkologen
Hier bei GF schätze ich die Antworten von needlewitch, wenn es um Tattoos & Piercings oder Bodymodding geht, von WECoyote und anderen wenn es um KFZ & Straßenverkehr geht, PachamanSquaw bei allen Diabetischen Belangen, sowie Porphyrie usw.
Hier gilt es die Spreu vom Weizen zu trennen.
Is it the
I always wanted to ask my father.
Now my life mate has to deal with my sometimes strange ideas.
depending on the subject
reddit, GoodQueen, Chatgpt, my girlfriend, family, Google
I usually ask my best friend or my mom, moms almost always have the best tips.
Das stimmt
He then answers with a small silent voice in the back of his head. Unfortunately, many do not want to hear this voice
This one, let’s go….
Why should I ask my friend in KLempner Matters or in riding sports questions……he would say at most; ask him or her who knows
Random Ass People on the Internet 🤙
Why not real one?^^
Die Leute im Internet sind ja nicht Fake
Well, because they might be part of my problems.
What do you mean?
Fully strangers on the Internet.
My best friend
Google always knows advice
I’ll ask my friends.
That depends on what I want to know.
I ask here