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It is much better to treat.
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Actually rather typ 2, because you don’t have to splash so much etc., and it’s easier to treat, but because I already have type 1 anyway, I would also take that, is annoying, but you can live well with it 🤷 ♀️✨✨✨😉😉ðŸ ̃‰
Because I would make myself so smart that the medis would put off and the self-fitting diabetes could take me and I would kick her in the Po! Movement, good diet, Nems.
I wrote extra “with medis” because I mean only type 2 diabetesrs who take daily medicines, so antidiabetics have to.
This doesn’t work for all type 2 sliders anyway.
Well, that may be, yet as an individual, you asked us why. You got the answer from me 🙂 I’ve probably driven my blood sugar into ruin beforehand, so I can fix it again. I am convinced that I will be able to dispense my media after a reduction. Everyone decides! No grain has come to the world to be sick. My personal conviction. Does not everyone have to share 🙂
Very happy & good! ✊✊✊✊✊🍀🍀 lG 🙋🏻 ♀️
Thank you.
That’s it.
I asked, “what disease you would choose if you had to. And why.”
… Type 1 diabetes, diabetes insipidus and type 2 diabetes: with medication, not without.
Without medis, or with an option without medis, yes 👉 UNGERECHT 👈 versus type 1 diabetes, since type 1ers cannot survive without insulin!
That’s why: 👉 only with Medis!
Good attitude! 👍 I wish you a lot of success and hope it works! ✊✊✊
Would you say that if you had type 1 diabetes, or otherwise completely indebted, would be chronic/incurable?
Here you can achieve acceptable quality of life for decades with much information work and commitment.
The same is the case with type 1 diabetes.
Diabetes 2 – Have I already – reads well life with it