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Hello Klever0,
Clearly there are always unpredictable dangers in road traffic, because you are right, that is quite normal. But you have to be able to weigh what is a real danger in the current situation. And here’s the red van far away. In addition, no other vehicle drives before this, so the probability that it changes the track is very low. But the truck directly “with you” poses the greatest danger.
Hope I could help you.
You seem to learn the traffic rules. So:
So: Yes, the chances for a serious accident are good if the red transporter would simply switch to the left lane in the situation. And that’s why there are rules that he can’t do that.
Yes, which would be rather unlikely because there is no reason for the red car to change to the left.
The only possibility would be if one of the trucks drives to the middle lane without flashing and suddenly.
I don’t see a red car or a lawn. What do you mean?
And what else: are the questions of examination really so difficult for you that you seem to have to question each of them? You have about one month. 120 questions asked about the answers. Somehow you don’t seem to understand.
Ohh wow, respect for me! Thank you
It doesn’t give me any respect, it’s head shakes and misunderstandings. How can you be so hard of term?
I still don’t see a red car or a lawn in the video.
Bravo! With your speed in which you can capture a situation, you will surely become an overarching good driver.
How much did the driver of the grey car override the maximum speed permitted on the unlimited motorway section that he could be called a lawn? Or do you see yourself as a measure of all things with your 110km/h?
Ah okay, now see that it is a truck and it actually drives on the other stripe
And if you didn’t notice the left lawn in the gray car, I’d watch the video again or make a visual test
The red is a truck and there is no reason for him to change the lane.
Especially since both left lanes are free.
So no.
But I would never have crossed the yellow truck in life due to dead angles, because in the video you are at no time in the dead angle.
Is the right answer anyway, because it drives much faster than the truck before it. So it’s likely he wants to overtake.
And because of people like you, there are serious accidents.
The yellow truck is clearly recognizable faster than the leading truck and it does not brake. It’s most likely that he’ll change the lead. You can’t change the track yourself, as a much faster car comes from behind. This is what is said to be braking, called “predictive driving”. Unfortunately, not many, you seem to be not.
And because of people like you, you have to write every pup. So please read correctly before you make such stupid statements.
And in the further course:
I’ve had my driver’s license for 9 years, already driving my second new car without scratches (apart from 1-2 wheel rims) and have traveled over 200,000 kilometers in time.
At least I can read and understand sentences, you seem not 😉
First time, yes, but because you were so patty I got in.
The second time, it didn’t come to my mind.
I never said it was the wrong answer. I just wrote that the dead angle for me would not have been the reason for this decision.
And you never came to the idea that I could not read your answer to the comment at all because I was just commenting on myself?
Are you stupid or can’t you read?
Wait now I’m getting fat:
Is the right answer anyway, because it drives much faster than the truck before it. So it’s likely he wants to overtake.
I’m not responsible for his side mirrors. He should have learned that in his training.
Many are infall-free because the others are careful, that says absolutely nothing.
Also interesting that you immediately realize whether you are in the dead corner of the truck or not. Have certainly checked how his side mirrors are set.
Many people think they’d know until it cracks. This is also a common cause of accidents.
All right, you smartie. What answer would you have crossed?