Wenn DE die größte Volkswirtschaft in Europa ist✅, wieso sind die Gehälter gegenüber so vielen europäischen Ländern so niedrig🤔🤔🤔🤔.. DE ist Europas China✅?

Schweiz, Luxemburg, Lichtenstein, Österreich, Norwegen, Dänemark, Schweden, Finnland, Island, Monaco, England, Irland, Niederlande usw

In all diesen europäischen Ländern ist das pro Kopf Einkommen höher✅✅✅

Wir sind eher Europas China…BIP hoch, aber Gehälter niedrig✅✅

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3 months ago

what values have you looked at?

I have here al a source from 2018 (yes old, I know) where D in place 4 is the full-time worker in the EU.


These statistics include the Netherlands 5, the United Kingdom 8, Finland 9 and Austria 10.

JE after what one compares you get potentially stable but also completely different values.

“Brutto and full-time” can potentially look completely different from “Brutto, all AN” where countries with a lot of part-time are potentially worse off.

If you also consider other incomes, for example from rental or self-employment, you may also have other results.

3 months ago
Reply to  dieLuka

But there’s something wrong with Statista, according to OECD, the average Austrian also earned more in 2018 than the average German (full-time)… maybe Statista forgets that we get 14 “containers” here…

3 months ago
Reply to  sa652ma

I think you’ve fallen into the trap already described above.

You compare JAhr (12 or 13 or 14 salaries, your source) with month (1 salary, my source). And as described above, different results can come out when you look at different data.


If someone earns 80K on 14 salaries then this is an annual salary of 80 K but a monthly salary of about 5700 , not of about 6666.

6666 would be the monthly salary if it were 80K at 12 salaries.

3 months ago

And for the average monthly income, the annual income is taken by 12…

If you have 12 monthly salaries. Right. You have 14 to take.

If you want to compare 14 with 12 you compare yearly salaries.

This goes super easy without having to go the additional step by sharing 12. This is completely superfluous for the comparison of JAhresges.

for comparability…

one compares 1 with 1. So 1 year with 1 year or 1 month with 1 month.

1 monst with 1.16 modes is not really comparable. Especially if one suppresses that one compares 1 to 1.16.

that is why Statista’s data makes no sense.

But that’s why it makes sense.

Here is an example:

Susi has 5K per month, MAx 6K and Uwe 5.5 K gross.

Susi has once a year 10K, Uwe 2 times a year 11K gross. That’s because Susi gets vacation money and Uwe holidays and Christmas money.

If I compare JAhresgecontainer I compare 5*13, 6*12 and 5.5*14

If I compare monthly containers I compare 5, 6 and 5.5

3 months ago

Eben… and for the average monthly income, the annual income is taken by 12… for comparability… so the statistics of Statista do not make any sense.

3 months ago

Where one cannot necessarily compare one to one.

Germany is a transit country, for example.

So we put the infrastructure to get someone from Poland to the French Mediterranean coast.

Infrastructure rarely deserves the big money.

In addition, there are discussions on the use of funds in fields such as health or education.

German health system: High cost, average results

Although the German health system offers comprehensive services at a high level, it is more expensive than that of most other EU countries. However, health results only correspond to…

German healthcare in European comparison – vdek

8. Aug. 2024Responding to the population, health expenditure per capita Germany at around 5.300 euros (in purchasing power parities). These are 50 percent more than the EU average, about 20 percent more than in France and 10 percent more than in Austria.

Germany’s health system – expensive and inefficient

8. Nov. According to the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), expenditure on health increased by 12.9 percent to EUR 498.1 billion in 20232022. That means we spent almost half a trillion for medicine, doctors and hospital stays. The system is running out of the row.

Additional GKV contributions 2025 increase: “German healthcare …

16. Okay. 2024The health system costs the Germans 2025 as much money as never before. The contribution rate for the statutory health insurance companies climbs on average to a total of 17.1 percent.

The German health system is extremely expensive

A recent study shows that 17.8 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) flows into the USA Health care; Germany is in fourth place with 11.3 percent.

3 months ago

Here, the cost of living is also the lowest. This becomes the zero number.

But your example proves that this has nothing to do with the success of an economy when you look at China. They are very successful with very low salaries.

3 months ago
Reply to  JustAskMee

It is always about the average rent of a country and the rent is only part of the cost of living.

3 months ago

It’s just changing and it’s just a single point again!

To the risk of repeating myself! It’s about all the cost of living, not individual items!

Energy prices will now rise drastically in Lichtenstein and Austria because Gasprom no longer supplies cheap natural gas.

With us, energy prices are currently falling on a broad front.🤷 ♂️

3 months ago

They are far too high in Germany. This is also a reason why we are no longer competitive on the world market.

3 months ago

We are a state that is a little bit overwhelmed by the welfare state and bureaucracy that both cost something.

3 months ago

Did you also consider how high the daily costs are elsewhere? Apartment, food, etc is in Switzerland zb a bit more expensive than here.

3 months ago

Because the general Alman isn’t one of the smartest in Europe.