Fewer fps due to second monitor?
I have a 2006 LG monitor with a VGA port and a resolution of 1280:1024 and 60 Hz. I connected this monitor with a VGA to HDMI cable. My primary monitor has a resolution of 1920:1080 and 120 Hz. I connected this monitor with a DisplayPort cable. Now, with the second monitor (1280:1024), I get fewer FPS when gaming; Discord only runs there when I'm playing R6.
Rx 6600, r5 3500x, MSI B450 a pro Max, 32 gb 2666 MHz RAM, 600 watt power supply
a total of more pixels must be displayed and thus also calculated. This, of course, also has a negative influence on the performance or FPS. But I assume that in this case this will not be extremely large.
Does the VGA to HDMI cable require more power?
The type of connection does not matter
So little power is claimed because only Dc or Spotify runs there?
Yes, as long as only 2D applications run there, the loss of FPS is negligibly small.