Wenig Gehalt unternehmen?

Findet ihr das normal, wenn ein potentiell zukünftiger Arbeitgeber wegen 50€ herumheult? Das Mindestgehalt laut Kollektiv beträgt 1645€, auf die Frage wie viel ich mir vorstellen könnte, meinte ich 1700€. Da wurde so getan, als hätte ich 2000€ mehr im Monat verlangt. Da bekommt man weder gratis Getränke, noch z.B. Öffitickets, weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten sind zudem nicht vorhanden. Zur Info ich habe eine wirtschaftliche Ausbildung. Ich meine mein Wunsch von 50€ mehr im Monat ist jetzt nicht übertrieben, oder, wenn man bedenkt, dass die ja gar keine benefits haben und Leute nach Jahren im Unternehmen noch immer keine Gehaltserhöhung bekommen. Ich denke da ja langfristig und wenn ich eh schon weiß, dass von ihrer Seite aus immer nur das Mindestgehalt lt kollektiv gezahlt wird, egal wie lange man dort arbeitet, darf ich ja wohl 50€ mehr „verlangen“. Die Abteilungsleitung meinte ja das muss erst über mehrere Instanzen etc, ist schwierig, die mögen das nicht so gerne, wenn Leute mehr verlangen, aber sie versucht es trotzdem etc. +ihr müsst euch vorstellen, ne Kollegin von mir mit den gleichen Voraussetzungen wie ich verdient 1900€ netto und das, obwohl sie in einem Dorf arbeitet. Ich würde dann in einer Hauptstadt wohnen, was mMn noch „unfairer“ ist. Gleicher Tätigkeitsbereich, aber darum gehts nicht. Es geht darum, wie wegen 50€ herumgeheult wurde… Ich wurde für nächsten Freitag für einen Probetag eingeladen bis dahin will mir die Ansprechperson bzgl des Gehalts mitteilen, wie es aussieht. Aber irgendwie möchte ich da nicht wirklich 2 Stunden verschwenden, wenn ich aufgrund des Verhaltens schon erahnen kann, dass die mir die 50€ mehr sowieso nicht anbieten werden. Am Umsatz kanns btw nicht scheitern, so viel wie der Geschäftsführer(familienbetrieb) jährlich an Umsatz erreicht.

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8 months ago

Why should you be the stupid ones that can be dumped, although higher wages are common in the industry? Also with €1,700 you are below the average if your colleague earns €1,900 net for a comparable activity. The prerequisite for the comparison is that you are in the same tax class.

If you have better alternatives, I would cancel the trial day at your place. Inciting you that the company reacts in this way is not targeted.


8 months ago

How much hours a month? Full time can’t be there, far below minimum wage.

I would like to thank you and apply elsewhere.

8 months ago
Reply to  kawaslhoch4

I don’t know how low salary is in Austria, but for the salary, I wouldn’t even put the alarm clock.

8 months ago

The company “heult around” as you say so beautifully, because they probably don’t want to have a single deal. There’s a certain salary, that’s okay or not. You could also ask why you’re so gay about $50. After all, this only meets you once, a company, if necessary several times and thus in a higher sum.

Everything gets the same at the level, the first starts with me but I want 50€ more, the next comes with 60€, with 40€, with 70€ and already it becomes more confusing and if that comes out also more expensive, because the without supplement that will want.

8 months ago

I know that well. I am surprised that even today so many still pay so little.

Employers complain that they have recently been hosted by candidates (the labour market has been improving for applicants at least temporarily since the end of the pandemic). But that’s not a miracle if they still want to live out their work.

The salary, I suppose you’re talking about a gross salary, would be net 1,200, that’s a joke for someone with commercial training. Even ten years ago, it was unharmed.

Get in public service.

8 months ago
Reply to  MrClarkKent

Citizens’ money + unofficial work is today’s trend for good merit.

8 months ago

So, unfortunately, many are, there only helps to apply elsewhere. :

8 months ago

You shouldn’t go to work for so little money. Especially if you have a training. It is worth even more citizens’ money.

8 months ago

You have an economic training and don’t deserve enough money?

Don’t sell yourself under my friend.

Even in a profession I did not learn, I earned much more.

8 months ago
Reply to  kawaslhoch4

I would never have thought that you earned so little money with training, I have only made a retraining in my profession 6+3 months to the factory protection professional and I am going to be monthly with 2300 in bad months and 3200 in good months net home.

8 months ago

So I think you’d be much better paid here in D

8 months ago

What is the minimum wage in Ö?

8 months ago

For this you have the great sweet food in Ö:)

8 months ago

Madly greedy the pack and then wonder why they don’t find anyone.

If you want a future then disappear and don’t become a slave.

8 months ago
Reply to  kawaslhoch4

Never get into a family business there you can’t climb sowiso.

Find another place.

8 months ago

There is generally no minimum wage in training. So you’re paid a lot less.

I don’t know what you mean by “collective.” If there is a collective agreement for your training over 1650€, then it is actually very complicated if a person is not in the collective agreement. You have to make a complete extra sausage for yourself. But I think it is unrealistic that there is a collective agreement of 1650€ in an education. That would be much too much money for training.

A realistic salary for training is 200 to 1000€ gross.

Otherwise, I can imagine that there is a misunderstanding between you and your employer between gross and net.

Many employers have only extra costs by offering training and do not profit with you. Because you’re not the same as a learned worker. Many employers therefore only offer training because they want to be social because they want to be nice to you.

If you appear so extremely demanding, even though you already cut into your own meat to help you, then employers can quickly get bad mood.

8 months ago
Reply to  Najanagut391

I’m sorry. Read me and react too fast. I thought it was a training, but you already completed the training.