Wenig FPS mit RTX 4060ti + ryzen ?
Ich hab eine RTX 4060 TI und habe in Spielen wie zum Beispiel Valorant oder Fortnite nicht so hohe FPS auf hohen Einstellungen (Fortnite ca 30-40, Valorant 50-70). Dazu kommt, dass ich sehr oft ruckler habe. Ich hab 32 GB 6000MHz DDR5 RAM und einen Ryzen 7 7700x als Prozessor. Ist das normal?
Apart from that this should not be normal, you are directly seen to blame yourself.
Why buy a 4060/Ti?
This is slower than a 3070/3080/3090.
Why? It is only connected with 8 lanes instead of like any other Graka with 16 lanes.
Sure DLS does a lot, but 8 LANES?
Some people don’t know better, and then they’ll attack that crap.
Everything else, ES are IMMER the drivers that are NIE current.
And yes, don’t have to arrive at first and say the DEINE drivers are up-to-date, and I could already bet now, if I ask you for a specific question, I’ll get back my premonition.
Mainboard drivers such as sound and chipset should also always be tested.
The largest part is of course the Graka driver.
Drivers back or forth. If too much is left in the background, it will slow down your system.
And I’ve already seen a lot of system where Steam, Battlenet and many other games are running in the background.
Only a clean-up system is fast.
No, it’s not normal.
This answers the question.
Unfortunately, you didn’t ask what to do.
Still, I pretend you asked.
Bios, Ram clock check, deactivate XMP, and thus test, but also with activated test again. Bio’s updates. Update graphics driver, update Win, update everything you find.
Fortnite’s automatic settings are of “spiritually suboptimized” quality. So change that. For example, you don’t really need to shadow, or maximum visibility into the distance.
Check also whether the Ram bars really sit in the right ports and whether they are released for the board. Check manual from the board. If you’ve been testing with other ram bars. Is the board really for DDR5 Ram?
Please give a feedback later. Thank you.
Install driver, BIOS settings, etc.
You need to turn on the 83x function has helped me
What power supply? And what kind of cooling?