Wen in ihrem Leben hasst ihr so sehr?
Oft hasse ich mich selber.Da ich selber oft nicht gut genug bin und es nicht schaffe was ich erreichen will.
Oft hasse ich mich selber.Da ich selber oft nicht gut genug bin und es nicht schaffe was ich erreichen will.
Meinen Mitmenschen fällt es immer mehr auf, mein Verhalten wird oft hinterfragt, mittlerweile auch von mir selbst. Meine Mutter denkt ich wär komisch und wenn ich mich immer weiter verbarikadiere, dass es dann noch schlimmer wird und macht dann Maßnahmen wie “die Tür bleibt immer offen” oder so. Ich hab sehr viele Symptome, die sehr…
Hallo, ich bin Emma und würde gerne noch in den Ferien Eislaufen gehen. Da ich den ganzen Sommer ja auf Eisbahn verzichten musste, würde ich es auch gerne tun. Meine Frage dazu lautet aber eher, da ich jetzt gemerkt habe ein Tag nach dem Eisprung Rötung im auslauf zu haben, habe ich Angst die in…
Bei mir waren es die Rote Augen aus X Factor… Da bekam ich echt wochenlange Probleme. 🤣
Mein Kind will nicht schlafen wenn mein Freund da ist er will so lange wach bleiben bis wir ins bett gehen und es knabbert langsam an der beziehung weil man keine freie Minute hat was kann man tun
Interessiere mich schon seit zwei Jahren für das musikbusiness und habe ein Lied geschrieben über die letzten drei Wochen und möchte euch fragen was ihr davon haltet und ob ihr euch sowas anhören würdet: In der Natur in der Natur fabul Natur in der Natur alles weg und sie kommen in der Natur alles wächst…
I’m probably the person I can suffer the least.
I also feel
but still enough to live and buy dresses, teeth cleaning, eating, drinking etc… so I don’t hate you so much… I mean you’re still here and that’s good
Whether that’s good…
Hey, it’s not that easy to die. To make the “correct” it would be smart to get in touch beforehand. What is most successful, what is most often misfortunes, what is not morally acceptable (Schienensucide). Of course, this varies by changing the factors that influence whether the attempt fails or not. One can, for example, increase the height, the dose, whatever… this would also increase the probability that the attempt will succeed. There are many more things to consider. Until you have researched, calculated, weighed and thought through your own preferences, it takes a little. All right, that may not make everyone like that…
Well, if everything was bad, you wouldn’t be there anymore… and behold, you’re still here and 100% need you people
So I hate my mom because she wants to make my life really hard because of her hardships with my life to come clear with my life, but that has never done anything my only aim is to pull out because from there everything will be a thousand times better but at the time I just can’t get it back
With whom there is nothing to me, with what is more, my self-doubt, which slow me down and with good works, for example. But that’s why I don’t hate myself, just my self-doubt. In addition, I hate my life because it prevents me from being at least finally not unhappy, but also because I don’t hate myself, but just my life (and my self-doubt).
Why are you talking to yourself? You’re not “riching”? Excuse me- I don’t know you, but people who do everything are trying to think about themselves! I don’t think you’re “riching”! Maybe you don’t get yourself! You shouldn’t be so hard to yourself!
I don’t want to disappoint anyone or see someone suffering
No one wants to see suffering! The disappointment is a little different! But you need to know what you really want! Your life!!! If you’d disappoint someone with it, it’s not different!
You can’t make JEDEM right! Then you’d be an opportunist! This could also be called “rüchradlos”! That would be wrong!
You know what HASS is? Hate is war, death and ruin! I hated my father until my mother died of cancer! He was never there for me, but when my mother died, he was there! I’ve appreciated it more than that! After that, I had contact with him again – after over 20 years.
I wouldn’t doubt it! If it is so far – no question! But how many times is there? If you sacrifice yourself – just once! But if you protect yourself a little, it’s a lifetime! What is the better way? I don’t know what moves you, but I also think that you think, besides the problems you have with yourself, at the point to short notice!!!
I would sacrifice my life myself so that I can protect the people I love.No matter how much I have to suffer or how fucking I feel.And then I can’t do what I want:(
No one really does. Hate would be too much.
the universe
My father
I can’t hate myself