Weltreise mit schulpflichtigen Kindern? Nur ein Elternteil abmelden?

Hallo zusammen, da wir im Netz kaum hilfreiche Infos finden, der Versuch über das Schwarmwissen:

Wir planen, in diesem Halbjahr zwei Monate mit unseren Kindern nach Südamerika zu reisen, unser Sohn (4. Klasse) ist schulpflichtig.

Nun sehen wir die Herausforderung, dass wir davon ausgehen, dass die Schulbehörde Schleswig-Holstein unserem Aufenthalt nicht zustimmen könnte und wir uns darum gerade nach Möglichkeiten umsehen, wie dies dennoch klappen könnte.

Einer Wohnort-Abmeldung stehen wir grundsätzlich offen gegenüber, sind aber dennoch unsicher und haben folgende Fragen:

– Was für Konsequenzen hätte eine Abmeldung sämtlicher Familienmitglieder für 2 Monate in Bezug auf 

– Kindergeld?

– Krankenversicherung? 

– Berufliche Tätigkeit?

– Mein Mann wird von unterwegs weiter arbeiten, er ist angestellt.

– Ich selber betreibe in Deutschland ein Gewerbe und möchte dieses ebenfalls nicht abmelden, da ich ebenfalls von unterwegs remote weiter tätig sein werde. 

Nun ist eine unserer Fragen: Macht ggf. auch eine teilweise Abmeldung einen Sinn? Also etwa lediglich ein Elternteil und das Schulpflicht Kind? Habt ihr hier Erfahrungswerte? Wir wollen ja nach 2 Monaten zurückkehren..

Ich wäre euch sehr dankbar für eure Hilfe, da wir wirklich wenig Informationen im Internet finden.

Liebe Grüße, Anne

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2 months ago

When I recently proposed to my daughter that we could take her out of school for 3 days to travel together with her outside the school holidays, she told me that this is a very stupid idea because she loses the connection to the rest of the class, does not come along with the learning material, and that would be a very selfish idea of us parents who do not consider her well-being as a child.

Have you seen it from this perspective?

What does it say to shorten your trip to 6 weeks and to put it on the time of summer holidays? Then you save all the problems and your child also has no negative consquents to fear for his future.

2 months ago

So as far as I know you can get some money abroad not all if you don’t really live there or something.

2 months is not a single citizen, but I really wonder why you don’t just stay in Germany with the child? I mean, that would be possible.

So I would try to googlen I can get child money from Germany abroad ect

Since the child continues to be quite normal a German child and also does not become American, it would have to be able to continue normal and an unsubscribe doesn’t seem sensible to me, since I would talk directly to your school in how far a 2 month is possible to suspend, and the problem is really the 2 months can throw you back extremely, so he would absolutely have to do all work for himself. However, school is also not the measure of all things and makes more psychologically ill, proven.

School compulsory is not valid abroad only in Germany.

2 months ago
Reply to  ewigsuzu

School compulsory is not valid abroad only in Germany.

Did that ask Google exactly this time and this statement is wrong

https://www.wolterskluwer.com/de-de/expert-insights/legal basis-of-school compulsory#:~:text=%20h%C3%A4ngt%20not%20of%20w%20government%C3%B6Right%20b.

2 months ago
Reply to  Redekunst

about foreigners in Germany.

2 months ago

that had to cope out

2 months ago

Eben, these are the exceptions, you can only do this if you are taught abroad, it is also clear that

2 months ago

is about schools abroad or foreign schooling

2 months ago

If I clicked, I actually wanted to link this here, there are very exact exceptions listed…


2 months ago

Forget it. Because there is no guarantee of training. It doesn’t involve any authority. I think you make your own wishes about the child. Anyone who wants to have children should consider what profit and what waiver is associated with it.

2 months ago
Reply to  DoctorWhatsup

schooling also goes abroad and is therefore not a real problem as well as learning children at school hardly neurologically, educationally reasonable and as well as everything will be forgotten at the end.

2 months ago
Reply to  ewigsuzu

This is a fine logic, after which no one has to go to the driving school, what one learns there is to forget about the years…

2 months ago

Then you have misunderstood it, in the heading is already the term “world travel” of the other

We plan to take two months with our children in this half year to travel South America, our son (4th grade) is compulsory.

It is only there that the Father can continue to work, not that this journey is being made for work

2 months ago

as far as I understood about the work of the man

2 months ago

This is about someone for a URLAUB, to extend an existing law, this is not a reformation!

2 months ago

By trap there is another law that I consider rather, the dignity of man is incapable of respecting you and protecting you is the COMMITMENT of all state violence, the dignity of man is not necessarily observed at school and it is now usually a state institution.

It needs more school reforms.

Look at what the Danes do.

2 months ago

But you can’t say that, “That doesn’t mean anything, that’s why SECTION to disregard” Where are we gonna get this?

2 months ago

Ne that is scientifically proven, in addition, the solution is not even learning, but rather learning correctly neurologically, you can teach children of course, but you have to consider neurology and psychology also how to feel

The Danes do better.

2 months ago

So I am convinced that the compulsory schooling will still exist as long as the children are German citizens. Even the registration from the place of residence will not change this.

2 months ago
Reply to  Redekunst

jain laws can only always be applied in the country where you are also as a tourist, the school duty can be enforced badly in America.