Welpe nachts aktiv was tun?
Heyy ich bräuchte dringend eure Hilfe.
Mein Welpe 14 Wochen alt ist nachts sehr aktiv und spielt.
Eigentlich haben wir schon eine kleine Routine das ich mit ihr um 22 Uhr nochmal raus gehe und wir dann schlafen gehen. Aber wenn sie dann aufwacht fängt sie wieder an zu spielen und zu toben.
Auch wenn ich mit ihr um 3 Uhr rausgehen fängt sie an.
Eine Nacht hatten wir es geschafft das sie durchschläft aber die Wochen nicht mehr
Usually the dog suits your day routine. Easy to use during the day or the puppy.
Just a little patience. If necessary, apply to the dog on a mattress etc. Puppies need body contact to sleep.
Just stop with a lot of rest and just don’t respond to his playing attempts. Cuddling and body contact is the magic word.
It’s just a few weeks until the dogs are big
Extend more during the day, but up to a certain degree this is normal. Puppies are very active.
I’m going to walk with her at 19/20 a.m. and she’s actually dead a lot
What are you doing with her over the day?
No problem.
Thank you
Agility and ball games are good for dwarf lace.
Dwarf spice
What breed is that? Maybe it’s not the right games.
But as I said, up to a certain degree this is normal. It’s like screaming babies at night. You just have to
we play a lot with her.
But, of course, let her sleep.
You just have to go through… I know that too. My first thing was very difficult about that. Bed he completely destroyed, he found no rest at all, contact with me while sleeping was not right, as he only bite into my hand, poor, face etc. at the puppy run next to my bed he was hanging on the grids and would have been chased through the night… finally, in the bedroom, I dreamed away everything, made the door and hoped that he would find it to rest. Then he started to nail the walls 🤦 ♀️ had to stand up on average 20 times and push the little one with a “no” away from the wall… but he still worked best, after all he found some rest. With increasing age it became easier. My second dog was easier about that. The tips suggested here would also work, but at the first it was just a hard time. So, make this all as irritable as possible, it will be. Great success 🍀
vllt a leash so she can’t be dead or just ignore that I had done with mine
Only then would be binding and this is prohibited under the Animal Protection Act.
ohh no better
why is it leash to make forbidden but not to lock in a box?
Yes Ignore we actually do, but it will be very strenuous with time at night because it keeps belling and scratches in her bed
Oh maybe a little water spray gun when she starts?
My solution works at least in contrast to your super-teacherful toy
I was just saying this little water spray parts through which a dog gets a few drops of water? do not pretend to tell her to beat her dog??😭
You just shouldn’t answer if you don’t know about correct education. Why are you pretending? On what behavioral biological basis is your advice based?
Your solution was the most unconstructive of all 😂
That’s what they say. Instead of suggesting constructive solutions, you are accumulating
I getI’m just explaining the laws.
What do you want from me now?
Don’t get up like that. The woman wants to sleep and comes to
No, no and no again. Such methods have not lost anything in correct dog education. That’s how you get a scary dog. Please don’t answer if you don’t know about dogs.
ahso ok
Locking into a box is also prohibited except for transportation in the car, for example.
It’s forbidden.
You can only do it during transport or during a veterinary examination.