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2 years ago


Theoretically it is possible, but only in the case of sick animals who generally refuse the feed and can or would like to eat nothing more.

Piston heel is also the racer here for years and will never be old for the beeps. Of course, you can also make a change and offer, for example, cracks or bead brains.

On the whole, I don’t know a case where a healthy shaft-sittich piston brain is mourning. Even some weakened animals eat more often than the normal grain food.

She is also fed with chicks who are currently practicing to eat independently. Of course, the birds may not happen, but once they are tried they will always accept it.


2 years ago

In the free nature, waves do not always find the same feed.

Therefore, a change of the feed is possible and is also practised by many holders.

On the other hand, their shafts will continue to eat the piston brain if it has nothing else.

But what you should do is to check the quality of the offered piston brain.

Not that it is because it is rejected.

In the case of incorrect storage, the piston heel can be easily spoiled.

It should therefore be fresh, clean, dry and dust-free, in no way muffy smell and be free of vermin, mold and other unrest.

In closed glass vessels or in airtight plastic packaging, piston heel is spoiled within a short time.

This does not necessarily have to be recognizable by obvious mold attack externally.

The mmanche mold remains hidden to the human eye, so tiny and filigree it grows.

Therefore, never buy airtight packaged shaft feed.

Because with a high probability this is of low quality.

I wish you a happy hand for your waves.

Best regards


– skilled in the art –

2 years ago
Reply to  Fxrxy3wxxda

Grain, such as millet, is made from untreated and well-breathing wood in densely closing wood troughs. These are themselves dry, cool and non-corrigated, are aired from time to time and are optionally equipped with suitable drying agents. The residual moisture should be about 12%.

Thorsten Hoeppner
2 years ago

Usually not.

It is more likely that the millet is no longer fresh enough or even spoiled.

However, waves also love variety, which is why wild herbs such as lion’s tooth, trumpet or bird marrows offer them. Vegetables such as carrots or salad cucumbers are also welcome.

2 years ago

Can certainly happen, especially when you feed the daily. It’s just a kind of leak and not the main food. Greens should eat wells, for example. Bird marrows, carrots and carrots etc.

2 years ago

try something else for example

Lion tooth, bird marrow, geese flowers, young nettle and many more. Vegetables: cucumber, organic salads, pumpkin, peppers, spinach, radish, tomato, fennel, eggplant, fresh red beds, zucchini. Have a great time Shaft tract by the way to carrots

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