Bringing budgies together?
I have two budgies, a female and a male. They sometimes get along well, but often Lilly Bobby just pecks away. Is there anything I can do to make them like each other a little more? (I don't want them to mate!)
I have two budgies, a female and a male. They sometimes get along well, but often Lilly Bobby just pecks away. Is there anything I can do to make them like each other a little more? (I don't want them to mate!)
I want to buy a mate for my male budgie. My question is: Should I buy a male or a female? Which is better?
Hello again everyone, After the answers to my last question, I naturally decided to let my budgies fly. But they don't dare leave their cage? I have a bird tree and lots of millet and branches in the room, which provide plenty of perch and also look inviting. They are not very attached to people…
Hello, I have an urgent question: I wanted to ask if you could tell me the gender of my cockatiel. I think he's about a year old or older because he was already quite large at the pet store where I bought him. I bought him six months ago and think he's already grown. It…
Heyy, I just had to gut a young rooster near his siblings because he was biting them. What should I do with him now? My parents are still asleep, so I can't ask them. Should I just hold him for now?
I want to feed ducks with a friend who's coming to visit me during the summer holidays because he really likes ducks. What can you actually feed them? Bread is supposedly unhealthy for them.
Wellensittich Hennen sind in der Regel dominanter und zickiger als die Hähne.
Da ist so ein Umgang zwischen einem Paar nicht ungewöhnlich. Die Henne entscheidet wann sie den Hahn ran lässt. Wird er zu aufdringlich macht sie ihm das mit hacken klar.
Solange sie ihn nicht jagt, Federn ausreißt oder blutig beißt sollte es normal sein.
Bei einem unserer Pärchen war es auch öfter mal so das die Henne den Hahn weggehackt hat. Aber wenn sie gut drauf war wurde gefüttert, geputzt und nebeneinander gesessen.
Vor der Paarung brauchst du keine Angst zu haben. Solange Wellensittiche keine dunklen Ecken oder Höhlen zum legen finden kommen meistens auch keine Eier zustande.
Erstmal herausfinden, worin dieses Verhalten begründet ist.
Dazu sollten Sie das Alter, das Geschlecht, den Farbschlag, die Herkunft und das Temperament ihrer Wellensittiche genau kennen.
Oftmals lässt sich das Problem schon mit diesen Informationen erklären und lösen.
Ich wünsche Ihnen allzeit eine glückliche Hand für ihre Wellensittiche.
Mit besten Grüßen
– Fachmann für Wellensittiche –