Budgie regurgitates seeds?

Hello, please help me with my question, it is very important to me!

Today my budgie regurgitated seeds for the first time. He first moved his head in a strange way and then threw the seeds away.

After that, he puffed himself up the whole time. My mom says it's normal and she doesn't want to go to the doctor about it, but I don't believe it. Otherwise, everything's normal; he doesn't have diarrhea and there's no mucus, either, but I'm still really worried.

Maybe it's important information that his partner, who he was always with, died a few days ago.

I mixed some moulting aid grains into his food today for the first time in a long time. Maybe he didn't tolerate it so well?

Please help me with my questions.

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3 years ago


Mouse aid is only expensive grains individually packed. It doesn’t matter. What helps is Golliwoog and Gurke – which contain the minerals needed for new feathers.

Feeder now simply quite normal grain food (best good from prestige, Jr farm etc. Nothing from Vitakraft, trill)

Würgen can mean a lot. From crop infection to megabacterosis to incompatibility of the feed. But since the hen has died, I would advise you to go to a veterinarian in charge. This can then zb make a crochet to see what the bird suffers. A normal veterinarian can’t do this and only writes an antibiotic, which will not help with zb megabacteriosis and will only make everything worse.

Don’t take it on the light shoulder if you have something on the bird. The little ones usually die faster than they think because they often hide their suffering and do not show what is normal for a swarm.

Simple red light will hardly help here.

Good improvement for Welli

3 years ago

They should only feed a fresh, clean and dry grain mixture without any other additives.

No supplements with vitamins, minerals, mice aids, lactobacilli, bakery products, etc., etc.

Such a thing does not need healthy, properly held waves.

The same applies to fruit and vegetables.

The shaft-sittiche lining is not unusual in captivity.

Because the lush food offer brings the birds easily in a breeding mood.

The feeding is trained as a sample.

The retroperistaltic movements of the front digestive tract are thus practiced.

In their case, however, it is much closer that the recorded mouses have helped trigger nausea.

Because the flared feather dress is always a serious sign of discomfort.

Frequent and sick waves always show it.

You should see if the cage is free of tension and temporarily raise the ambient temperature by 1 to 3°C.

Shaft tracts do not require any other feed during the mouse.

And it is very healthy and natural when wave-sittiche true the mouse eats less and partly fast.

This serves to maintain the natural abnormality of the wave and is due to the changed metabolism in the mouse mode.

A shaft fitter should always be prepared to provide first aid.

For this purpose, they should use one of the commercially available infrared lamps for their wave scales.

Heating radiators are used exclusively for heating bird holdings.

However, these are only limited to not effective for treating sick waves.

If the activity or appetite of the wave-sittich decreases at the same time or other pathological signs can be seen, then the bird should be given first aid quickly.

In the case of corrugation, this is regularly considered:

  • Quiet
  • Red light and
  • Separation

As one proceeds exactly, I wrote about it here with the more open.

Please read in my older posts.

It also stands in every goodOldShaftsittichbuch.

The essence of this is the correct red light depletion!Warning danger of overheating – !!!

The red-lighting initiates the self-healing forces of each wave-like !

You get a red light lamp in every pharmacy.

It is very important to administer the red light in such a way that the waves are not overheated.

The distance of the red light lamp to the seat of the shaft tail must be so great that the human hand can still feel warmth there, i.e. just lukewarm.

The bird should be able to choose the distance to the red light lamp itself (seat rodnottransverse to the red light source) and also have the possibility of avoiding the red light completely.

I wish you a happy hand for your waves.

Best regards


– skilled in the art –