Budgie, what is that feather? Is it a disease?


I've had this budgie for two days. Since she's been with us, I've noticed something wrong with her feathers. Can someone help me? She's six weeks old.

Could it possibly be feces? Should I try washing it off with lukewarm water? But I don't want to cause her any more stress.

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3 years ago


The picture is not very good.

If you’re sure it’s not a dirt and blood, it can be something that comes from a plume virus. Polyoma if I remember correctly (or PBFD)

This causes bleeding in the spring and this then also looks like this.

Does the shaft fit otherwise have bad plumage, missing feathers/can not fly?

3 years ago

This is a growth disorder in the control spring of her hen.

Possibly caused by a bite during the growth that hurt the spring divorce.

The sick control spring should then be replaced in the course of the next major.

Best regards


– skilled in the art –