Wellensittich kratzt Kopf und würgt Körner hoch?
Hallo ich habe ein Problem,
mein Wellensittich hat seit gestern Abend begonnen sich aufzuplustern. Ich dachte mir nichts dabei weil er sich normalerweise schnell wieder normalisiert. Aber einpaar Minuten später hab ich bemerkt dass er seinen Kopf komisch bewegt. Manchmal kratzt er seinen Kopf an der Sitzstange, manchmal am Käfiggitter und manchmal zuckt er auch mit dem Kopf so komisch. Danach würgt er meistens immer Körner hoch und schleudert sie weg indem er wieder mit dem Kopf zuckt und ich weiß nicht was ich jetzt machen soll. Er beginnt danach auch wieder zu fressen. Er ist bei mir alleine in einem relativ kleinen Käfig aber dafür hat er fast den ganzen Tag Freiflug. Alleine halte ich ihn noch weil er sich mit dem anderen Wellensittich geprügelt hat und weil ich Angst um ihn habe da er noch sehr jung ist.
If your waves are slightly inappropriate and blossomed, then you should provide first aid with red light.
As you describe it, the waves are in reproductive mood and practice in feeding by strangling the crotch content.
So you should feed carving and non-green.
No fruit and vegetables.
Make sure the cage is absolutely free of train.
If you don’t want to visit a veterinarian, then you should support the self-healing powers of your waves and initialize them with red light forks.
If you have a red light lamp at home, then you should give your waves first aid a few times.
Red light initiates the self-healing forces of the waves.
Heat lamps of other types are fornotsuitable.
The correct placement of the lamp is important in the application, so that a shaft fit does not overheat.
The red light lamp should stand so that the human hand in the spot of the lamp just feels a touch of warmth at the place where the waves are sitting.
No more.!!!
In addition, the seat rod of the shaft socket should allow it to move closer to the light source or to move away from it.
The red light fork thus at an acute angle along the seat bar.
The waves should also be able to avoid the red light completely.
I wish you a happy hand for your waves.
Best regards
– skilled in the art –
I would be handed over as soon as possible to a bird-in-law veterinarian and uplifting is never good.
That’s really not true. In the appendix with the other symptoms yes, but Wellis pluster for various reasons. Who has Wellis knows…
we have 3. Home!
in my comment, however, it is not about increasing per se
But thanks for your opinion
Have you ever thought of looking for a veterinarian, instead of asking questions and possibly wasting valuable time while waiting for answers??
I can’t get out of quarantine and probably only get out in 10 days
I guess that was for the bird.
I’d think a grain is stuck. The dear bird must be a vet.