Budgie can’t find food bowl?

Hey, first of all, I know that there are specific portals for birds, but I'm just asking the question here because I hope to get a quicker response.

So on Sunday one of my budgies died (I had 2) and so her previous partner was alone.

That's why we got a new one from a breeder on Tuesday.

My problem is that the new one can't find the food bowl.

On Tuesday we gave her a piece of millet as a welcome, which she also ate.

But she can't find her normal food bowl with grains.

Her partner, who has been with us for 2 years, always tries to show her the food bowl, but she still doesn't get it.

What should we do now? I mean, we can't feed them only millet.

Maybe I'm just worrying unnecessarily and she'll find him on her own.

thanks in advance

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4 years ago

Shaftsittich should be fed only with dry grain feed.

And every sighting waver finds his food bowl!!

The new bird does not eat regularly when people are in the room during acclimatisation and reconciliation.

In this respect, you misinterpret your observation.

It’s never starved before a full feeding bowl.

So you’re completely unnecessarily worried.

Best regards


4 years ago

You really don’t need to worry – she’ll find the food bowl sooner or later.

Feeding the millet might come to her “safer” in the new terrain. But she’ll go to the bowl tomorrow or tomorrow. She does not starve, and even if she eats nothing for 1 or 2 days, the hunger will be so overpowered that she overcomes her barbarity and turns over the bowl.

4 years ago

What do you think he doesn’t find that freak?

Mostly, you just don’t see them eating or drinking, but they do. Just when you’re not there.

Shaft tits look so fast at others.

Otherwise, I’d just think about using her food that doesn’t really taste it or what he doesn’t know. What are you feeding?