Welches war das gefährlichste Tier, das ihr schon mal in freier Natur gesehen habt (Safaris-Touren in Afrika zählen nicht!)?
Ich nehme extra Safaris aus, weil man da quasi automatisch etliche Löwen, usw. usf. sieht. Ich habe selbst schon mehrere gemacht.
Also bei mir ist das gefährlichste Tier ein Grizzlybär (habe in 2 verschiedenen Urlauben in Kalifornien welche gesehen).
A red boar with freshlings and a wolf I’m not afraid of.
On holiday in California, I wanted to go for a ride behind a bush, but it was already occupied by a rattle snake (sometimes in Old Topanga Canyon). I’ve become really fast. On the same holiday, I put a black widow in the wood pile behind the house.
Only in zoo did I see dangerous animals, and I’ve seen some of them free in nature, but it’s been a long time since I don’t know what it was for animals anymore.
In West Africa a shark next to the fishing boat. I was allowed to go and watch the catch. It was quite big that bite,-)….in Benin bite me a snake in the toe, banges wait until it turned out that she is not poisonous…..in Ghana it was strangely a dog who had pressed me with whispering teeth on the wall, at the end he was 50cm away from me as a young with a stick drove him. Why the dog so I didn’t know until today, probably my skin color didn’t like it,-), the boy I donated a bottle of cola, he was so happy…the other animals of Africa I only saw from afar,but only by chance and there were no dangerous.
I also saw a lot of ticks that I have not only seen in free nature over the decades!
I never captured a tick in nature. Only at home at the fence I literally had one on my neck. There’s the throat. Just wanted to get in, she looked at the pause in the mirror.
I really had a lot!
I’m telling you!
can become dangerous.
I had the most dangerous situation with three wild dogs standing in front of me in the middle of the forest. Well, honestly, every wolf is better for me, because he goes out of the way.
Oh, yes, in the wild park, a capital Wapiti-Hirsch with his arm-thick bars thundered on me. Gottlob was reinforced with edge rails, because the wooden gate alone would not have held.
Like I said, Wildpark doesn’t count, but is the deer hitting the gate?
Yeah, it’s all over the gate. I just prayed that the steel reinforcement would last because I could not have evaded anywhere.
During the brunch, the deer was eager to expel anyone from the environment of his harem that even the carers were playing with their lives. When they had to enter the enclosure, Mr. Hirsch was only lured into a separately secured enclosure with Delelis and one with a carabiner was ready to fire in the attack. Yeah, 50 years ago, there was something different about animals in enclosures.
wild boar, could just save me on a tree 🤣 there I was about 12
and I was stabbed with 7 by a hornet… it’s gonna be a long time with stinking ointment…
Hornets are usually completely harmless. Puppies and especially bees have much more poison!
beautiful for you, I had to smear the place for months and you still see it today…
I also wrote that this is usually the case!
A jelly, about 2 m tall. (In the Adriatic Sea)
What kind?
light blue giant jelly, my knowledge.
yes, cheerful are the little red. My was very large (flatboat width minimum). It could also have been 3 m;-)
google and wikipedia know neither the species “Riesenqualle” nor a “light blue giant jelly”.
Well, no matter. The kind of jelly you mean was probably harmless.
An aggressive puppy swarm. Wild boars, but not aggressive. About 2 m long sharks before Borkum.
What shark type? Most sharks are not dangerous
That was about 1980 in the summer. Summer was very hot. We went out with an inflatable at Ebbe, and the sharks had surrounded some mackerel or herings, so I don’t know. They looked like real sharks. I’d say Bullenhaie in miniature.
Grizzly – at hiking in Alaska 10 meters away.
Petermänchen 2x also kicked on
Ne Kreuzotter at a forest walk
Wild boars!
Are life-threatening if they consider themselves and their boys to be threatened.
Our forest is full of it, and I’ve often seen some. The belly was cut open to a neighbor’s dog!
Wolves, brooks with freshlings, oak processing parlor,…
Nen Wolf, but he was pretty far away.
Still got some impression when you’re on the road with a dog.
Did you realize that it was a wolf (if it was so far away) or could it have been a fox or a jackal? Just a jackal I couldn’t distinguish so easily from a wolf.
I live in northern Germany, don’t think there are many jackals here. And the guy (probably, it was one, can of course also have been a girl) was for nen fox around a lot too big – fox I see here quite often.
Various sharks during diving, even a big macao.
Toxic snakes to be exact, Vipern, I’ve often seen my homeland.
Wild boars
Hopefully not kicked
No, but touched
I first read this answer here and then another one of poisonous snakes… thought that the user also meant his ex: but it wasn’t like that.
Why the apostrophe?
Because I can.