Welches Unternehmen bezahlt besser (BASF, Bayer, Merck oder Evonik)?
Welches dieser Unternehmen bezahlt besser?
Arbeitet ihr in eines dieser Unternehmen oder kennt ihr jemanden?
Die Frage richtet sich vorallem an die tarifliche Mitarbeiter. In welche Gruppe wurdet ihr eingeteilt und mit welcher Ausbildung?
Denn tariflich bedeutet ja nicht, dass jeder Arbeitgeber die Mitarbeiter in die selbe Tarife packen muss. Es gibt Unternehmen, die Stufen den Chemikanten z.B. in die E5 ein und welche, die den Chemikanten in die E8 einstufen. Zwischen diesen Gruppen liegen über 1000 Euro.
Und an die, die nicht bei diesen Arbeitgeber beschäftigt sind. Wo würdet ihr eher hin?
Hey The paid very well in training you have e6 and that is in the first year 900-950 euro in the second year 1100-1150 euro in the third year1200- 1250 euro also comes holiday money, 13th grade and pep, which increase the salary again .
I am grad in the basf and they pay well it is very good in comparison to rhom the pay maximum from 850 to 1030 euro could help you
In training, all companies pay the same. For the salaries in training are regulated by collective agreements.
I guess you work in Ludwigshafen? So you’re going to the Rheinland-Pfalz tariff group:
The salaries are the same everywhere. Whether you’re at BASF or in other companies.
Even after training, the tariffs apply to all employees in the chemical industry. It makes no difference whether it is a company with 100,000 employees or 1,000 employees.
The E6 is the same throughout Rhineland-Palatinate.
I am concerned, however, with the grouping as an apprentice (have already completed training).
Some companies stages the chemical laboratory in the E6. Some in the E7. Some in the E8 and some in the E9. even met chemical laboratories classified in the E10.
Each company decides to group internally. I would be interested in what group one in the different companies expect.
And Christmas money and holiday money are also regulated by collective agreements. Holiday allowance is 700€ in each company. After training 1400€.
Christmas money is currently in all companies (no matter if Azubi or not) at 100% of gross wage.
The success premium is also available in most companies. I’d have to be better with Merck and Bayer because they do a lot of pharmacy.