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Besides gingerbread and treebread, I don’t connect any of these foods with Christmas.
These candy is not a Christmas dinner for me. This would be, for example, a goose with red cabbage and dumplings.
But I like gingerbread – if they are not straight from the supermarket – from the sweet stuff mentioned.
Here I am with you on the same rail…😜
but the things there are middle end september already in the invite to christmas it does not taste anymore because you had enough of it
As a typical Christmas dinner, I only know gingerbread, which I don’t like so much. Besides that, gingerbreads are not “food”, but a treat.
But always only from 1 December…this is for me beginning the Christmas month ^^
Gans, I could eat all year.
and div. Stollen rather less.
Soon you can buy it again 😌